The Beginning

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The Cosmodrome. A cold and desolate place. A place no one wants to be woken after a centuries long slumber of death. But this is where the story begins, the story of Fire Team Eurydice. We begin with Zetra, the leader of this team of misfits, and the story of her awakening.


The Ghost, nameless for now, floated through the rusted remains of the cosmodrome. For many decades, he had been searching for his guardian. The spark of light the traveler had chosen for him to support. Honestly, the little light was losing hope of ever finding his guardian. Some Ghosts spends what seems like eons trying to find their guardians, this little light feels like that is how long its been since he started his journey. But like all cliche stories, the little light finally felt what he have been searching for. That pull to the light that every Ghost feels from their guardian. The little light was overjoyed. As quick as he could, he went towards the pull of light. On a cliff, looking over the cosmodrome, which at that moment looked quite beautiful, as it witnessed the first resurrection of this guardian, though not the last. The little light gathered the light necessary to resurrect his guardian, his very own guardian, oh he was so pleased that he finally found them. With a gasp, his guardian took her first breath. With a twirl of his shell, he proclaimed a very common sentence most ghosts say when they find their guardian for the first time.

"Eyes up, Guardian! So much to do, yet so little time." Oh, he was so overjoyed.

"What's going on? Where...Where am I? What are you? I don't, I don't understand." The guardian is always confused when first resurrected. So the ghost explains all the questions he could, the fallen were getting close, a little to close for his liking.

"Well, you're in the cosmodrome, in Russia. Me? I'm a ghost, your ghost to be specific. As for what is going on, well, I'm sorry to say that we don't have much time for backstory. I have to get you back to the city. There, the speaker will tell you all you want to know. I promise you. But right now? Right now, my scanners are telling me that fallen are closing in. We need to find you a weapon, and quickly. See the wall over there? Go that way, there is a ship that way that can get us to the Last City."

"While I head that way, could you answer me one last question?" The guardian, which the Ghost now sees that she is an awoken, used the terrain to her advantage, using the rusted out cars as a way to cover not only herself, but also her tracks.

" Of course, what is your question? I'm here to guide you, you can ask me anything."

"What's my name? And yours while I'm at it. I can't keep calling you little light in my head."

The Ghost seemed to glitch at that moment. "L-L-L-Little light?!? I'm not little, Thank you very much. As for your name, well, you can chose it. Anything you want it to be. And mine? Well, I don't have one. You can name me if you, if you would like." He was still flustered from being called little.

"I name myself? Well..Well how about this, you name me...I name you. What do you say?"

"Me? Name YOU? Oh, I-I-I don't know about that. Ghosts usually d-"

"I don't care. I want you to name me, and I know you want me to name you."

"Give me a minute, I'll need to give it some time to think about it. I'll let you know before we reach the Last City."

"Then, I guess it'll be only fair that I name you before then as well."

And with that, the two fell silent. The guardian now within the wall, and the true adventure as now begun. Just as she walked in, the guardian noticed an rifle laying near a couple of crates. Checking the mag, it was full, as though, someone had left it there, just for her. However, as the sound of claws hitting rusted metal came closer, she gave it no other thought. The first one came around the corner, four arms, with four eyes to match, a Vandel, her ghost told her. It was down as fast as it came. And the cycle repeated. Saw a fallen scavenger, shoot fallen scavenger, move on to the next. She does this cycle until they reach the place where the ship was. There, she encounters a tougher enemy. A Captain, her ghost informs her, twice as big as a vandel, twice as dangerous.

"Be careful, Guardian. You're already low on ammo, and he looks to be quite the bullet sponge." The Ghost began to scan to see if anything in the area could help, when all of the sudden, the guardian shot towards the sky. "Wha-" The crash of the storage unit echoed loudly through the cosmos.

"What? It was the perfect opportunity, plus wasted less bullets."

"Hunter." The ghost muttered. Obviously, she would be a Hunter with that attitude and flare.

"What do you mean by Hunter? And can you get this ship running while you tell me? I think I might have gone overboard with that. I hear something coming. Something big." The guardian looked towards the pipe behind the ship, hearing the familiar sound of claws on rusted metal.

"Right away" The Ghost floated towards the ship and began scanning and hacking into the system. "As for what a Hunter is, Guardians are made up of three different classes, Warlocks, the smart ones, Titans, the brute strength, and Hunters, the stealthy yet...flavorful ones, the ones who don't usually go by the rules, not even in battle."

As he finished and transmitted his guardian into the ship, a group of fallen came out of the pipe, and the one leading them was even bigger than the captain she had just crushed.

"An Archon Priest?!? Oh let me just get us out of here then, no reason to say to deal with it right now. I don't think either of us is ready for that just yet." And with that, the Ghost had set the coordinates for the last city, and off the duo went. And so began the long journey to the home of the guardians.

"I think I figured out a name for you, Guardian. If you'd like to hear it." The ghost seemed bashful, it is quite an honor to give your guardian a name. Very few Ghosts get the privilege to do so. He had this name for a while for when he got his Guardian just in case he was given the chance.

"Yeah? Me too. What do you think of Maasre as your name?" The guardian didn't know where the name came from. Maz-re. Such a weird way of saying it too, but she liked it. From the way Maasre zoomed around and spun in his shell, he liked it too.

"Yes, yes, I love that name. My name for you, Guardian, is Zetra. A name soon all guardians will come to know. A name to go down in the history books. I can already tell." Maasre loved his name for his guardian, and so did his Guardian. But little Maasre couldn't be anymore right about Zetra. She truly would go down in the history. A true Guardian of Guardians. And this is the story of just that. The Story of the Beginning of Fire Team Eurydice.


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