Are you real?

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***Anya's POV***

I am here again and again I feel so mesmerized by the beauty of my surrounding. As always, the soft hum of the wind as it went through tall trees of the forest, the sound of water cascading down stones in creek, the fire flies flying around me like hundreds of floating stars, the sweet and intoxicating smell of forest flowers were all making me feel amazing.

Then again the same sensation went through my body as those magic hands wrapped around my waist. A sigh left my lips and I closed my eyes trying to freeze that moment and feeling. Tonight I was not afraid for some reason and I did not want to know why. I was turning around in those arms and like before there is no one behind me. Those arms were gone leaving me feeling bit empty inside.

Somewhere a twig snapped and slowly same  black wolf appears from the darkness. Today I wasn't even afraid of it and as it walked towards me, I went down on my knees. It stopped few steps away from me and slightly tilted its head as if asking a question.

I smiled and extend my hand trying to coax it to come forward. It sniffed the air and then closed that small distance between us. I was amazed how big it was and felt a sense of power emanating from it. Catching me by surprise, it lowerd its head and licked my palm. I felt electricity like sensation zap through me, making me snatch my hand back. I looked up to see him staring at me intensely with those golden eye's. And in my head, a voice wakes up and only word I hear is 'mate' before I wakeup.

I was panting as I sat in my bed and my clothes was drenching in my sweat. I don't remember running in my dream so why do I feel like I ran thousand miles? Slowly as my heart beat calmed down, I walked into my bathroom and washed my face. After quick change of clothes and bed covers, I climbed back in bed. Tonight was different and that was definitely not a nightmare. It was...somewhat beautiful...exotic dream that has left me feeling like live electric wire. I realised that sensation of his touch has lasted out of my dream this time.

His? How did I know it was he wolf? Just then I hear a howl close to my house. I sat up in my bed and clutched my pillows tight. My heart was thudding so fast and loud that for a moment, I could only hear that. Then another howl came. Mustering courage and still holding my pillow, I walked to my bedroom window. Pulling the curtains aside I looked outside in hope to find the source of that howl.

And down there standing at edge of the forest beside my house was the black wolf. It looked like he has walked straight out of my dream I saw just a while ago. I could not bring myself to look away from him. It felt like he was calling me without any sound and pulling me towards him with invisible strings.

My bedroom door opened with a bang and I screamed.

'Oh my god! Are you ok?' My mum somewhat screamed back.

'Mooom!! You nearly gave me heart attack barging in like that! What is wrong with you and what are doing here at this time?'

'Oh...sorry dear...I..I had a nightmare....a..about I just came to see you are...ok'

Feeling guilty for shouting at her, I hugged her.

'I am ok mom, just did not feel sleepy so was watching moon and counting stars!' I told her with a small laugh.

She smiled and said 'awww...sorry for giving you scare. Crazy me..well you better get to bed or you will have dark circles saying good morning to you tomorrow! Good night love, my sweet angel'

'Good night mom, love ya'

As she closed the door behind her, I ran to my window to see if my wolf was still there. But he wolf was long gone. Again I felt disappointed and emptiness. Sadly I made my way to bed and as soon as my head touched my pillows, I was out.

And this time no dream came.


Her smell was intoxicatingly strong. If she was in front of me, nothing would have been able to stop me from marking her and mating her. I don't know what was different from last time I saw her in cafeteria but even from so far, I felt like a magnet being pulled towards her.

Tonight something happened. I was hanging around with my friends at my house and all of a sudden I felt something just change in the air around me. It was like my wolf sensed something.

'She is awake...Anya's wolf stirred tonight' my wolf spoke in my head

'What?! She is a werewolf of course her wolf would be with her!' I asked not understanding what he was getting at.

'No, I did not sense her the last time we met she was there but not there. And me being able to sense her....from so far is not normal...unless she is in some trouble...'

I did not know what to say but I did know what to do. I jumped out the window shifting in process and ran with full speed into the forest, letting my senses direct my way. In record time, I was standing infront of a house which I thought must be Anya'a house.

My wolf howled without thinking. Werewolves are still considered myths in human society and that gives us great cover. Howling is normal but not in open area like this. Before I could warn my wolf, he howled again.

'I think you should....'

Slowly one of the top room's window curtains parted and there stood my Anya. The moon light was shining over her basking her is its silvery light and she looked like an angel.

'Mine...all mine' my wolf possesively declared.

'That she is...' I added with pride.

We wanted her right now and in every way. Then all of a sudden she turned away and screamed. I lowered my head and snarled. Just as I was about to make a run to her house, the light went on in her room. And it looked like her mum was the reason for her scream. That made me feel very relieved.

I want to know more about her before fully revealing myself so I hid behind nearest tree as she came to her window for second time. I saw some sadness on her face as she looked around for me. I felt happy knowing she wanted to see me again.

As she pulled back her window curtains, she looked out one final time. I waited for a little while before heading back to my own house. Shifting back and changing into spare clothes I ran into my living room. Being werewolf, shifting destroys whatever you wear. So we keep spare clothes hidden at certain locations around forest for emergency.

'Dude! You just took off...what happened' one of my friend asked.

'Nothing....I am calling it a night. See you guys tomorrow'

Without waiting for a reply I went to my room. All kind of thoughts were going through my head. Lying in bed, I made my plans for next day and first thing on list was finding and speaking to Anya's mother. I want to know why they have not tried to contact me for acceptance on pack. Then second and maybe most important for me - has Anya shifted yet and her exact age.

I can not mate or mark her if she has not shifted Or until she turns 18. I silently prayed to moon goodess that both questions had positive answers so I can finally show her what she does to me...and in many ways...for rest of our lives together....make her mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2014 ⏰

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