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When I come back to reality a potent scent drags me back

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When I come back to reality a potent scent drags me back. Rotating my head I squint, readjusting to the sunlight nearly blinding me. I stop moving at the intense throbbing coming from my wrist.

"Callie, try not to move. You could have a serious injury, " Coach instructs and I feel everything hit at once. "Does anywhere hurt in particular?"

"My wrist, god everything -" I choke back a sob and try not to hyperventilate over the pain.

"I thought she only fell on her left." Someone rushes out.

"She was sore from pushing herself yesterday," Summer's voice sticks out in panic and I try to flicker my eyes around. "She ran for five kilometers then did the toning and weights."

"Well nothing is sticking out - might get the paramedics to check she doesn't have anything more serious." The football coach stands up and casts a shadow to block the sun out.

Finally I see Summer biting her nails, phone in hand while looking at me with pure panic. I try to suppress the tears but I'm in agony, scared and shocked over what just happened.

I sit up, immediately feeling everything tilt. Blinking furiously I cradle my right arm which is burning with heat and hearing the protests of my coach from sitting up. I look around, seemingly aware of the onlookers standing off to the far right near the stairs.

The squad is nowhere in sight and majority of the people have left the field with a few exceptions lingering to gossip. I can't believe I fell - that nobody caught me. Anger thrums through me but the pulsing of pain stops that train from going any further.

"We've called your dad and an ambulance - it's standard protocol when someone has an accident of your capacity." Coach explains.

"I think I've broken my wrist or hand or arm . . . I'm not sure, it just hurts." I breathe through it and try not to move too much.

It's heavy to lift and that's a sign of a break - just internal, thankfully.

"So you don't have any pain or discomfort anywhere else?" I shake my head slowly. "Then we'll get you up to your feet and move you over to the stairs, take your time."

Summer moves to my side when I sway and feel Coach Jensen grip my elbow which jerks my arm. I scream, knees almost buckling until I'm yanked up by the waist. Summer soothes me with a shushing noise and I try not to cry.

"Just take your time. It's okay," Summer soothes over the two bickering of the coaches. I hear feet pounding on the spongy track and realize the track team are still running on the far lane. "Do you know what happened?"

Jonah slows his pace when he meets my eyes, stepping my way. "Callie, I'm sorry I distracted-"

"You will be sorry." I sneer, seeing his face fall as his eyes drop down to my cradled arm.

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