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"I'm not entirely sure if it's a good idea," I lazily open my eyes, meeting darkness and making out a figure peering out my curtains

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"I'm not entirely sure if it's a good idea," I lazily open my eyes, meeting darkness and making out a figure peering out my curtains. "I don't want to wake her up when she's had only a few hours . . . you have concerts every few weeks, this one isn't going to make a difference."

Propping myself up slightly, I yawn without bothering to hide the fact I'm tired. "Who are you talking to?"

"Nina she wanted me to wake you up . . . yes she's awake but she needs to sleep-"

"No. No. I promised her I'd go," I manage to sit up, my eyes close when the room spins and I sway slightly. "Besides you were meant to wake me up at two hours."

Once my stomach and head settles I swing my legs around, turning the bedside lamp on for more illumination than the moonlight. Sam still clutches his phone and does a once over to see whether I could actually handle it.

"We'll see you soon," Sam hangs up and clutches his phone between both hands, stepping forward slowly. "Are you sure you want to go? It's going to be loud, crowded and probably chaotic."

"Don't you think I can handle it?"

"You like order and organization, there's none of that where we're going. You'll be out of your element as well with the cast."

I raise an eyebrow pointedly looking at his outfit. "If you can manage then so can I . . . especially in that outfit."

"Actually. I was going to change," He rolls his eyes and moves to get the backpack at the end of the bed. "I'd suggest doing the same, nothing you're attached to either."

Sam walks into my bathroom, closing and locking the door behind him so casually it takes me a minute to snap out of it. Rubbing my eyes I dawdle to the wardrobe and slide the doors open, weighing up what I should wear. By the sounds of it I should keep it simple which is why I settle on black shorts and a tank top.

I remove my top, which gets caught on my cast twice before exchanging them awkwardly. The shorts however go on easy until I try to do the buttons. They clank against the cast while I suck in, cursing under my breath and turning for the wardrobe for a pair without several buttons.

"That didn't take long."

I glance over my shoulder. "I need to change my shorts."

"Why?" He moves behind me, zipping up his bag while I huff a reluctant response.

"Because I picked a pair with buttons and I can't suck in and do them up at the same time."

Sam doesn't respond and I wait a moment before checking why he went silent. However I don't expect him to yank me closer by the loops in the shorts and lock eyes with me.

"Suck in and hold your shirt up."

I suck in deeply, lifting my tank enough to expose the buttons which he glances down at once before focusing on me. The eye contact is supposed to make me feel secure with what he's doing but it's still intimate - he's helping me get dressed.

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