The Boy Upstairs

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Bribear0420 this is for you!

The sun was coming up but my high was going down and leaving a headache in its wake.

The blur of the past few hours slowly faded into nothingness as I sat up from the couch.

God, I hate myself.

Ever since I lost my job, I've been on and off of various alcoholic beverages like they were new and exciting diets. My body can't hanfle much more...

With a groan, I see that my alarm clock says 6PM, a new record for lateness with me... I scoff at myself and fully stand up to go to the bathroom. Walking in the room, I huff at how dirty everything is: overstuffed clothes basket, hair in the sink, towels in every god damn corner.

As I finish with my bathtoom business, I hear a loud thud from upstairs. Annnf then a series of steady thuds after that.

The damn man-whore from upstairs is fucking yet another girl. This girl isn't as loud as the last, at least, and I don't hear a single peep.

After 20 minutes, the noises stop. And I'm hungry.

I grab my coat and swing out my front door.

"Woah!" someone yells before I smack into them. My eyes water at the pain in my nose.

I look up anf meet face to face with the whore-boy. Not a single drop of sweat was on him and he didn't seem the least bit out of breath. My eyes intentionally roll.

"Are you- What? What was that eye-roll for?" He scoffs.

I shrug ,"Nothing. The pain in my nose made me lose control of my eyes," I mutter with a snicker.

He glares and huffs ,"Listen Bridget. If you have something to say then say it now."

I scoff ,"Why would you think I have something to say? Is it because maybe I am getting sick of you having louf and angry sex above my head every night or maybe the fact that you can't keep quiet during the day."

"The day!?" He cries out angrily ,"What do you mean!?"

"I MEAN," I start loudly ,"You invite seven thousand people over and I can't do my FUCKING HOMEWORK WITH YOU ALL STOMPING AND SCREAMING ABOVE MY HEAD!"

"Oh?" He growls dangerously ," You should shut your pretty little mouth before I have to shut it for you."

"I'll start doing that whenever I stop hearing random women screamin 'HARDER JAEJINNNN' while I'm trying to watch Invader Zim at night!"

"Mind your business, what goes on in my life is none of your business." He hisses.

"It is when its right above my head moaning."

He grabs my arm. "You wanna pry, little girl? You don't know the half of what you're fucking with." And with that, he pulls me down the hall to the stairwell. He starts climbing the stairwell and I trip up behind him and bang my knees on almost every step.

He finally yanks me up the last step and makes his way to his door. We tumble in and he slams the door shut, standing in front of it to block my way out.

I look around me and realize quickly that I'm in deep trouble.

Circles with small faces leer around every corner. The sign of the mafia that runs all of Underground Seoul.

"You wanna pry, then do it." He sneers, pushing my back. I stumble a second before regaining my composure. "Oh, and Bridget?" He taunts as I start looking around, my curiosity peaking.

"Y-yes?" I ask.

"Be careful not to wake Jaejin, he's the boss."

My eyes widen and I turn to look at the boy behind me. He's... not Jaejin.?!

I start looking around Zaza"Who are you, then. Since you aren't Jaejin?"

He follows me ,"Jimin. I ain't bringing home random chicks like the hoss. I have respect for myself and others. So you can stop shooting me dirty looks when you see me."

Stepping around a sleeping tabby cat in the hallway, I say ,"Why do you care either way? You don't know me."

He shrugs. We've both stopped in the hallway.

"I always thought you were cute but you hated me from the start." He says.

My eyes roll ,"You cat called me."

He grabs my arm ,"Because I like you. Quit rolling your god damned-"

"Jimin! You finally decided to become a man?" A voice booms from behind me.

I jump and cling onto Jimin's arm. He just smiles warmly. "Awh boss, it was gonna be a surprise..."

My eyes dart between both men. Between Jimin's soft, beautiful face and Jaejin's etheral, chiseled features.

"Well I won't stop ya kid," Jaejin smiles ,"Have fun. I'll be in the kitchen."

Without a word to me, he squeezes past us and heads to the kitchen.

After Jaejin is gone, Jimin looks at me with wide eyes ,"I told you not to wake him up. I fucking told you to be quiet!" He whispers.

"For one," I whisper back angrilly ,"we were both talking. And for TWO-"

He puts a hand over my mouth ,"You're gonna get me ib trouble. Come here."

He leads me to a bedroom down the hallway and closes the door. "Start making moaning sounds and I'll make the bed squeak." He orders, jumping onto the bed.

"Excuse me?" I scoff.

"We can't have people over unless they're our date or our one night stand. That's why I said to not wake the fucking boss up."

I stand for a moment by the door. You know... My life is shit anyways, what's the hurt with a one night stand? Even if its this kid?

"You know..." I say walking towards his bed ,"I wouldn't mind you fucking me..."

His eyes widen as I sit on the bed next to him. "Nuh-uh. I want to take you out on some dates before having sex."

I ignore him and strip beside him, letting him see my body. "Cmon Jimin. Don't wanna get in trouble with the boss~!"

He strips down, finally, but only sits back beside me. "I won't fuck you... but I'll settle for something less harmful."

He softly grabs my hand and sets it above my own heat. With a gentle push, he puts two of my fingers in.

"We can have fun side by side." He smiles, something I haven't seen from him. Its pretty cute to say the least.

His hand moves to his cock, which isn't as small as I'd thought... It's already hard... He starts stroking it slowly, his eyes wandering back to me. "Don't just stare, baby. Get to work."

God he's hot... I haven't had sex in forever... I slowly rub my clit and moan a little, the sensation an old friend.

We do this for a few minutes, until I've had enough.

"Fuck," I moan quietly. Jimin's plump lips are slightly parted, small highish moans turning me on more. Sweat covers his forehead and neck.

"Fuck," I moan again. I roll over so that I'm straddling him. "Fuck me," I beg softly ,"Please!"



So hi!
This took actual forever... I guess let me know if you want part two where things get n a s t y .

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