8/2/89: saving beverly

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"Guys, spikes," Bill said while picking up some spikes for weapons.

Richie held up a glass bottle he found on the ground and smashed it over a post. He realized it was too short and dull to work as a weapon so he haphazardly tossed it down.

Eddie unfastened his fanny pack and threw it as far as he could. Good to know he wasn't scared.

Bill opened the door to the Well house slowly. We all entered but Stan stayed put.

"Hey Stan? Aren't you gonna come in?" I asked, "We all have to go if we all want to live." I convinced, I took his wrist and he walked into hesitantly. We approach the well,

"Hey Eddie, got a quarter?" Richie asked.

"Dipshit." I whisper-sighed.

"I wouldn't wanna make a wish in that fucking thing," Eddie replied.

"Beverly?" Ben called out while we were looking deep down the well.

"Hey slut!" I yelled getting gasps.

"What the fuck?" Richie asked.

"Maybe if she's mad she'll yell at me! I was joking shit. I can't have fun?"

"You're retarded." Richie jokes kinda laughing.

"I'm all for comedy but how are we supposed to get down there?" Mike asked.

"Aquí Señor." I say pointing my flashlight to some ropes not to far from me.

"Are you sure you're not Richie's twin sister?" Stan asks me, I roll my eyes playfully and hand the ropes to Mike.

He tied a knot and put it on the old hook that hung above the well. The rest of the rope followed. Mike tugged on the rope making sure it wouldn't unravel.

"I'll go first." I say and grab the rope traveling down it and into an opening. Bill followed and so did everyone else. Mike was last though, he was still up there counting his bullets.

Suddenly I see Bowers' head and hear Mike scream. Henry pulled up the rope so nobody could get out. I found the nearest hand and held it.

"Get the rope, get the rope!" Eddie screamed, it was his hand.

"Shit!" I yelled when it reached the top.

"You didn't listen to what I told you, did you? You should've stayed out of Derry. Your parents didn't, look what happened to them. I still get sad every time I pass that pile of ashes. Sad, that I could've done it myself!" We heard Henry yell.

"Run Mike!" I yell up the well. We then hear a gun cocked.

"I sh-should get up there, I-" Bill started.

"What are you, fucking insane? With what?" I yell gripping the hand even tighter. I'm about to cut off Eddie's circulation, whoops. We then heard the trigger being pulled.

"Please let that be Bowers head getting blown off." I silently hope. The next thing we see is Henry get pushed deep into the well falling fast.

"Holy shit!" Richie yelled. Mike looked down the well at us.

"I'm okay guys. I'm alright." He said and sat the ammo on the well. I guess one side was heavier than the other because it fell down the well.

"Shoot!" Mike yelled as they fell.

"We can hardly catch a break." I sigh loosening my grip on Eddie's hand, he was holding my just as tight.

Mike gets into the hole too and I look to Eddie then past him and my eyes go wide. Eddie notices of course,

"What?" He asks.

"Guys where the fuck did Stan go?" I ask getting worried.

"Stanly!" Eddie and Richie call out. We're passing through the hole into the gray water.

"Stan!" I call for him.

"Shit, it's grey water." Eddie notices. The rest of the group, you know besides Beverly and Stan followed through the grey water.

"Help!" I heard Stan scream.

"Guys this way! Shit, we're coming Stan!" I yell directing the guys. We all run to a huge door and try to pry it open,

"Fuck." Richie curses in exhaustion.

After a second the weight of us all opened the door and we were now all in the same room as Stan.

"Stanly!" Eddie yelled. I looked around to be met with poor Stan's biggest fear holding him down and attempting to eat him.

"Holy shit!" Richie screamed at the sight. We all rushed towards Stan and the flute lady vanishes. He was covered in his own blood and teeth marks from the demon. Stan gasped for air and starting frantically yelling,

"You left me! You made me go into Neibolt! You're not my friends!" He rambled.

"Stan we would never let anything happen to you!" I cried hugging him.

"Stanly I'm sorry!" Eddie yelled hugging us two, Richie joined in. We calmed Stan down but I felt a presence leave. I turned to look.

"Bil!" I yell, he wandered off.

"Ah shit, Bill" Richie screamed through the tunnels. We all stood up from hugging Stan and followed Bill.

"Bill!" Stan called out. Eddie was walking without noticed a dip, he fell into a pool of nasty grey water.

"Eddie, that's grey water." I point out. Eddie dropped his flashlight when he tripped,

"Wait where's my fucking flashlight!?" Eddie asked yelling. As Eddie rose from the pool decomposed heads floated up.

"What the fuck!?!" Richie and I yelled at the same time.

"Let's get the fuck out of here!" Eddie yelled.

"Agreed!" Mike, well, agreed. We all ran through the grey water and finally found the center of the Well house, and Beverly.

"Bev!" Ben yelled in a hushed tone.

"Holy-" Richie started.

"Shit." I finished for him. Ben ran over to Beverly and shined his flashlight on her.

"How is she in the air?" Stan asked nervous. I looked more up and swallowed hard,

"Guys... are those-" I start.

"The missing kids... floating." Mike finished. I got up onto Mike's shoulders so I could grab ahold of Beverly's shoe pulling her down more.

"I'm gonna fall!" I whisper shouted and fell backwards. Luckily Ben grabbed hold of Beverly and Richie and Stan were there to break my fall.

"Gotcha." Richie sighs.

"Thanks you two." I thank. Ben is staring into Beverly's now pale concrete eyes,

"Bev, Beverly, why isn't she waking up?!" Ben yelled shaking Beverly.

"Aw Bev c'mon wake up." I silently hoped. Ben started crying,

"C'mon Bev!" He said and he kissed her on the lips. In all honest that was gross.

"Gross." Richie groaned and whispered to me reading my mind.

"Well then," Stan said sheepishly.

"If this happens to me... I don't want any of y'all kissing me." I joke into Eddie's ear getting a nudge in return.

As if this was a Disney cartoon Beverly took a gasp of air and awoke.

"January embers..." She said looking into Ben's eyes.

"My heart burns there too." Ben finished. I don't get it but it was cute.

"Jesus Bev, you scared us." I smiled engulfing her into a hug, confusing every one of the boys there, even Beverly.

"Oh god you sure did." Mike agreed hugging us both including Ben. Richie and Stan joined in too.

Eddie walked away from us and when we broke apart, we saw why.

1190 words :)))))

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