Jules💪🏻: Oli...Oli🍕: Jules!!!!
Jules💪🏻: I don't feel like this is working out. It feels weird.
Oli🍕: Jules I'm sure that's the pizza talking....
Jules💪🏻: I'm being serious Oli. I feel like it was too soon.
Oli🍕: Jules it's only been four days.
Jules💪🏻: Olivia I'm sorry Alright I feel like the team is finally getting along and I don't want it to fall apart again because I'm going out with you.
Oli🍕: Oh okay. So this about Chris?
Jules💪🏻: No.
Oli🍕: Yes it is because he is the only one on the Team that doesn't want us together everyone else loves us together.
Jules💪🏻: Oli...
Oli🍕: Jules don't even try anymore Alright I get it. You didn't want me to feel hurt so you got back with me and faked your feeling so I would be happy but then you realized that wasn't easy for you. So then your going to blame it on Chris.
Jules💪🏻: Olivia it's not that I promise.
Oli🍕: Then What is it Julian!
Jules💪🏻: It's just I don't want Chris made and I don't want the team on a different page during the playoffs.
Oli🍕: Screw you Jules! When you gets balls enough to Talk to Chris then text me.
Jules💪🏻: Oli