2019 Chapter 1.

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"They're gonna clean up your looks

With all the lies in the book

To make a citizen out of you,"

  Every morning, the (h/c) female would wake up to a loud melody that her older brother would call 'relaxing.' Today was different. She lied in bed wondering...What the hell was going on? Usually, she walked to his room and give him an earful for waking her up at such an indecent time. 

"Because they sleep with a gun

And keep an eye on you, son

So they can watch all the things you do."

  Instead, she refused to get up. She gazed at the suitcase that had been carelessly cast aside on the bed, all contents that had been previously packed now lay spilled across her warm comforter.   Her head tilts toward the window as her moms' voice fills the air, "Kids, Lets' do this!"

  Shit! Remembering what the date was, she leaped from her bed and banged a hand on the wall as she passed it. Silence filled the room neighboring hers and she snickered at the noise emitting from it. A deep sigh made its way from her brother, as he glares at everything around him. You could tell he was NOT a morning person.

  (F/N) immediately got to work on reorganizing her tornado of a room. Scattered clothes found themselves in the hamper, while new ones were placed in the bag. Other necessities were also included, but after realizing that she could not squeeze it all in she proceeded to grab another suitcase. It was small and cheap, with (F/C) being the main color with black outlining it.

  Pulling the cases behind her, she makes her way down the stairs and to the front of the house. It was a bright yellow, two-story suburban home with a small amount of front yard. Usually, the dying grass would contrast to the house itself, but the snow that rests upon it gave it a more welcoming feel.

  Her mom, Karen Mitchell, was currently loading luggage into the back of a black Nissan Minivan. Next to her sat the family dog, Bubba. He was an older golden retriever that had expressed himself by being overdramatic. When the Mitchell Family had attempted to give him a bath, he proceeded to shake his long locks near every electronic he could find. Nonetheless, he was still such a good boy. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFJgGQdKzXo)

  Her mom waved her over, excitedly taking her suitcases. (F/N) squatted down and gently ran her hand through Bubbas fur, retreating her hand after basically seeing puppies shed off of him. "Hey mom, Could you please buy a brush while I'm gone?"

  "Don't tell me you already misplaced yours." Her mom shook her head in mock disappointment. "Not for me! For Bub, just look at the amount of fur on me. I could knit a whole blanket with this." 

  To confirm her blanket theory, Bubba then bent down to scratch his head with his bottom leg. Long strands of silver and tan floated in the air around them, acting as if it were snow or rain. "I'll be sure to add that to the grocery list tomorrow. For now, could you do me a favor and get your brothers? I figure Gray is already packed. However..." She trails off as she spots her second child being hogged by his girlfriend. A bird flies past them, landing on a tree and peered inside of a window.

  In his room, a boy with messy brown hair is looking at slides of different dinosaurs on his toy. Grays room was completely organized, and he was even able to display his large collection of dinosaurs, without it seeming too crazy. His focus drifts as he hears soft thudding coming towards his room. Soon, there's a knock on the door.


Hey guys! I was recently feeling inspired to rewrite. Please leave suggestions and other stuff in the comments. I'm really grateful for the support some of you have given, and i cant help but think that this is well deserved. Have a great day...uwu!

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