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I awoke the next morning feeling stiff. I guess all these nights on the ground were taking their toll. I looked around, but I didn't see the cannibal anywhere. I also didn't see any sign that it had been here before I'd woken up. It must still be out with its clan or wherever it'd gone.

If it was still gone then this was probably the perfect time to make my escape. With any luck it probably wouldn't be back for quite a while. I leisurely went about cleaning my wound and having something to eat. The cannibal had not shown up by the time I finished so I continued with my plan.

I left the greenhouse and slowly made my way towards the apple tree. I felt a trill of excitement as I went. Maybe I could make it back today. Then I could see Cyber, Branches, and Mat again. I also might get back in time before someone sent a letter to my parents. Then again, I wasn't sure anyone other than Cyber and Mat knew the whereabouts of my parents, and neither of them actually knew their address... Chances were my parents probably wouldn't know I was missing until the time since my last letter became too long.

I shook my head to clear the thoughts away. There wasn't any point in worrying about that now. I needed to focus on getting out.

I took a look around me as I walked. This place was kind of nice, all things considered. It certainly wasn't the worst place to be trapped, but I still wasn't going to miss it. I wouldn't be missing my captor either, I would be free and I wouldn't have to deal with the weird thing anymore.

I frowned at the thought. Had it really just brought me here for companionship? I recalled the events from yesterday and briefly entertained the idea that it might have wanted me as some kind of housemaid... Na, that would be weird even for this cannibal. Either way, I wouldn't have to worry about it again once I made it home.

I made my way into the gloom of the woods and slowly attempted to navigate its winding pathways. I wandered a bit as I tried to remember the way. I seemed to take a few wrong turns here and there, but I eventually found my way to the statue of the headless horsemen. It wasn't far now, just a couple more turns and I'd be at the tree line.

A rustling behind me caught my attention then and I quickly turned around. I was greeted with the sight of the cannibal bounding out of the bushes with something in its mouth.

I felt my shoulders sag as my chest tightened. I guess I wasn't getting out of here today after all... I sighed and stood still, resigned to my fate.

I expected the cannibal to slink up to me like it usually did, but instead it pounced once it was close enough to do so. I yelped as I was shoved to the leaf covered ground, the cannibal purring and sprawled over me.

I quickly sat up and tried to scoot away, my heart thudding against my ribs. The cannibal was persistent though, and I couldn't manage to get out from under it more than enough to sit up.

The creature rubbed against my cheek before making a muffled sound and offering me the thing in its mouth. I swallowed and cupped my hands. The cannibal dropped it into my grasp and I looked it over.

A chess knight? That made two chess pieces. Was it a coincidence or did it like them? Maybe it was because it thought I liked the other one? I was thinking about it too deeply. I slipped it into my bag and turned my attention back to the cannibal.

It seemed pleased and had an excited gleam in its eyes. It purred and pressed itself closer. I held still. What was it doing? If it was just licking than it was better just to get it over with.

As I expected the creature licked my cheek, but instead of pulling away it continued the gesture. It pressed closer, rubbing against me, and I froze, color draining from my cheeks and skin feeling cold. My brain shut down.

What? I, huh? No... but? Oh... That. It? No. Just no.

I screamed and threw the creature off with a strength I didn't know I had. I bolted to my feet, blood pounding in my ears as I ran. How could it want that? Why even?! I wasn't even! Wouldn't it want?! Did they?! Is that why no one ever returned?! Was that something cannibals actually did!? I thought we were just food!

I could hear its surprised yowl as I dashed down the path. It wasn't long before I heard it chasing after me. I wasn't sure I'd be able to outrun it, but at this point I certainly had the motivation to try.

I tried to increase my pace as I made it out from under the darkness cast by the trees. I could see the gap in the wall now and I headed towards it. I didn't know how far the creature was willing to chase me either. Even if I made it out would I be able to make it back or even lose it? From the looks I'd seen the creature give me it seemed rather enamored. It didn't seem like it would give up easily either.

I could hear the cannibal as it charged after me. It was getting closer. Just ten feet to the gate. Five feet.

The creature collided with my back and I was sent down into the hard earth and itchy grass. I tried to scramble away, kicking at it. But the creature kept hold as I clawed at the ground. I could hear it whining as I struggled.

I could fill myself starting to hyperventilate and in one last effort I lashed out with my foot. I heard the creature snarl and felt its grip loosen. I tried to get up but the cannibal seized my ankles and pulled me back down. I reached out and scratched at the ground, fingers inches from the gap in the wall. My heart felt too fast and my lungs burned.

I felt the creature dragging me backwards and I dug my nails into the dirt, scrambling for purchase. If I didn't escape I'd never see any of my friends or my parents again. I felt my eyes burn. I'd be stuck here as this creature's mate for the rest of my life. This is not how I'd wanted my love life to go! I'd wanted to have a job and marry a pretty girl or a cute guy and have a little white house. Why did this happen?! One day it starts raining and then everything just went out the window!

I struggled as the creature slowly dragged me away from my way home. My strength was fading though, and I soon went limp with a quiet sob. It was over and I let my tears fall silently. Everything ached as the cannibal dragged me back into the darkness of the woods. I could only watch as my escape disappeared behind the curves of its pathways.

The creature dragged me through the woods and eventual we came to a stop beneath the apple tree on the other side. I just laid there, motionless, as the cannibal released its grip. It whined at me, nudging my shoulder when I didn't move.

I just blankly stared ahead, not really seeing. The creature tried again, whining louder when I still didn't move. Eventually it gave up, sitting back on its haunches with sagging shoulders and a miserable look in its eyes.

We sat there for a while and slowly the silence was filled with pattering and tapping. I sighed then. Rain, it was the cause of all this mess. I'd never liked it much, but now... It was something of a reminder that life had become a nightmare. I had no desire to stay under its cascade.

Numbly, I picked myself up. The cannibal perked up, but quickly returned to its former state when I ignored it. I began to slowly shamble my way towards the vine-covered greenhouse. I could hear the cannibal slowly following, but it didn't really matter anymore.

I made my way inside and limply trudged through the sprawling underbrush. Its leaves swatting me in the face and sticking to my clothes as I went. I headed to the lion fountain, collapsing against its basin in a boneless heap when I found it. I sat like that for a moment before pulling my knees to my chest and curling up tightly.

I heard the cannibal emerge from the plant-life and soon felt it nudge my shoulder once more, another whine leaving its throat. I curled up tighter and didn't move.

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