t h i r t e e n - i'm too full to think

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time heals all,
but somehow i'm still broken
'cause parts of me ain't
ever gonna m e n d . . .


Five days later, it was Friday night. Two hours until Josh would come over for dinner. And of course, my mom was freaking out.

Mom: Ok I think I am making pasta. Does he like pasta?

Me: Yes he likes pasta

I rolled my eyes and put my phone in my back pocket, reaching up to get a toy off the top shelf for Gracie in her room. But my phone vibrated again two times in a row, making me grunt in annoyance.

"Here you go babe," I handed Gracie her toy, and she hopped away with a grin to go play. I took my phone out of my pocket and read my mom's frantic texts.

Mom: Ok. Salad and breadsticks r fine?

Mom: What about choco lava cakes for dessert?

Me: Yes and yes, sounds good

I answered short and sweet to try and shut her up, but I know that's not going to happen. She'll probably text me three hundred more times in the next hour asking what kind of plates should she use or what tablecloth to put out.

Eventually, I quickly answered all of her questions and babysitting came to an end for the night. Mrs. Ferguson gave me my paycheck, thanked me over and over again, and Gracie hung onto me for dear life because she didn't want me to leave.

"I don't want you to go," she wailed.

"I'm sorry, girlfriend. I have plans; Josh is coming over," I knelt down to her height and smiled.

"Josh?" She perked up at that, sparing me a toothy grin.

"Mhm," I hummed with a nod.

"Oh. Okay," she said happily. "Tell him I said hi."

"I will," I chuckled, standing back up now. I waved goodbye to her and her mother, then headed outside to my car and left their house.

It only took me ten minutes to get home, so now I pretty much have half an hour to get ready before he comes. But I'm not putting on a ballgown or anything; I'm just going to look like myself.

"Vicky, come try this sauce!" My mom yelled from the kitchen as soon as I opened the door.

"Later! I gotta get ready!" I called back, running up the stairs. She said something else, but I couldn't understand it because I was already in my room at that point.

I decided to leave on my black jeans, and took off my soft hoodie for something else. After looking through my closet, I picked out a black and white grid-print blouse. I tucked the front of it into my jeans, then touched up my makeup a bit. Lastly, I pulled on my Doc's for shoes and I was done with a few minutes to spare.

I skipped down the stairs and went to the kitchen to check on my mom, passing the dining room in the process. It was set up to be picture perfect; a crisp, black and white tablecloth with my mom's signature Disney dinner plates and silverware. I smiled at her typical setup, then popped in the kitchen.

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