f o u r t e e n - you make me tired

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chapter by chapter,
i'm falling faster and f a s t e r . . .


Being with Blair is a lot like being with Gracie. She doesn't run out of energy, she gets excited about literally everything, and her mind is always in six different places at once. It's tiring if you're not used to it, but unfortunately I've become accustomed to her craziness.

It's the morning of the Snow Ball and it's obvious she didn't take a chill pill with breakfast.

Christmas is on Tuesday and yesterday was our last day of school, so now it's winter break. It's barely even lunchtime right now and this day has felt like the longest day in history. Blair made sure to wake me up extra early so we could talk about life and get ready for the dance. It's amazing that I've been able to keep my eyes open this whole day.

"I'm hungry. Can we get lunch? I can't start getting ready on an empty stomach," Blair shook her head vigorously.

"Sure, I'll ask my mom to make something," I sighed, ruffling my damp hair around with a towel. I just got out of the shower five minutes ago, with sleep still in my eyes as I keep yawing every few seconds.

"Okay," she agreed to it. I threw on a pair of leggings and a crew neck sweatshirt, then we left my room and went downstairs. "I'm so glad the dance is on a Saturday. That's such a smart thing to do, because then we have all day to prepare!"

"Yeah, it is," I yawned again.

"Stop yawning," she scolded me, grabbing my shoulders from behind me and shaking me. I laughed tiredly as we approached the kitchen, and my mom was already standing at the counter making something.

"Are you girls hungry?" She asked us without looking up. "I think I'm going to make grilled cheese and tomato soup."

"That sounds perfect," I smiled, taking a seat at the island with Blair next to me.

My mom started on her cooking as I rested my head in my hands, while Blair kept quiet for the most part. She was hooked on her phone, probably pestering Matt about plans for tonight.

"You all ready for tonight?" My mom turned around to grin at us.

"Yes, I'm so excited!" Blair piped up now, putting her phone down and grinning at me. "We're going to be the best dressed couples there."

"You and Matt are a couple," I clarified. "Josh and I are not."

She scoffed in annoyance and looked to my mom for help. "Tell her she's being ridiculous."

"You're just so stubborn, my love," my mom smiled warmly at me.

"I think I'm being completely normal," I justified, crossing my arms and leaning back in my seat.

"The first sign of being in denial," Blair looked at my mom with a small smirk. I rolled my eyes at the two of them and their weird behavior.

We talked about life as our lunch was done moments later, while my mom sat with us and ate too. My dad is at work in the meantime, but he said he'd be back in time to take pictures of us before we leave.

Not being able to handle my mother and Blair in the same room anymore, I picked up my empty dishes and put them in the sink, exiting the kitchen and thanking my mom. Blair thanked her quickly too as my mom took her dishes and she skipped after me to go back to my room.

"Okay, so I was thinking we-"

"Can I please just take a nap?" I begged, turning around to face her and sticking out my lower lip.

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