I limp into a giant dojo. The place was phenomenal! Then, a RAT came out from a pair of sliding Japanese paper doors. He looked at me curiously. "Who is this?" the rat asked. "Raphael's GIRLFRIEND!!!" Mikey yelled. I look at him in anger as the rat studied me. Then, he looked at my face. "Emma," he said quietly. "H-How do you know me!?" I ask in fear. Raph came up to his sensei. "What is it Splinter?" he asked the rat. Splinter, I heard that name before, I can't remember where, though.... "She is the daughter of a well-known ENEMY of ours, THE SHREDDER!" Splinter said. Then, everything went black. I was knocked out by my own boyfriend....
I woke up in chains JUST LIKE the ones in my father's dungeon, but they were new, so I couldn't bust them. I was gagged with a sponge. I screamed and made noise to attract them to say 'Hello, I'm awake. Come and torture me now!' Raphael came in and looked around to see if anyone was watching. Then, he snuck over to me. "Whisper!" he said to me. He took the cloth and sponge out of my mouth. Before I could even get a noise out, he kissed me on the lips. I pushed him away, even though I wanted to kiss back. "What the HECK!!???!" I quietly scream. "First you knock me out mercilessly and then you want forgiveness!? YOU'RE WARPED!!!"
"I didn't want to hurt you, I swear!" he whispered. "I don't EVER want to hurt you AGAIN! Please forgive me! I NEED YOU IN MY LIFE!" He had tears literally POURING out of his eyes. He was ashamed for what he did, and he meant every word he said. He was muttering stuff under his breath like, 'I'm terrible' and stuff like that. I took pity and slowly placed my lips onto his. He tried to hold back his tears as he slid his hands into my chained ones. I had forgiven him.....
Here is what happened before I got to the dojo.......

My Life with Raphael
FanfictionAfter escaping my father and his evil clan, I meet the most unexpected person. A mutant turtle that was trained in ninjutsu named Raphael, and he's in love with me! Our fathers are sworn enemies and don't allow us to see each other. Will we defeat m...