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Frustrated I closed that message window and started talking to him again.

It's been two hours that we've been talking and for the first time ever, a guy hasn't sexted with me. We were just casually talking, getting to know each other.

Just then my phone buzzed, I picked it up to see a message from Taehyung


ALIEN😍-Movie night. My house.

Me-Tae, I'm busy!

Rabbit kookie🐰- Oh! really Y/N?

Rabbit kookie🐰 - We know the only things you do are sexting and studying , and you don't study at this hour.

ALIEN😍-He right bitch

ALIEN😍-Get your ass here in 30 mins max.


Rabbit kookie🐰- nO , Tae Y/N won't come. she's so busy, you see 

Rabbit kookie🐰 - Her random flings are important than us T^T

ME- Lemme answer Kook, stop being so dramatic for heaven's sake

ME- okay, I'll come

ME- But, mom dad....

ALIEN😍-And since when have your parents started doubting me and Kook, huh?

ME- Got me there, you bitch

ALIEN😍- Yeah, so get here

ALIEN😍- You too Kook

Rabbit kookie🐰- Aye aye captain!!

Rabbit kookie🐰 Get ready Y/N I'll be there in 20

ME- Cool!!

So, these are my two best friends, Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook, well my only friends since 3rd grade. And as my parents won't let me drive by myself before 18, Kook and Tae are my ride most of the time

Just then my laptop beeped, 

DEVIL_DICK- you there, babygirl?

THAT_GIRL- Ummmm yeah

THAT_GIRL- But I gotta go

DEVIL_DICK- Oh! That's fine

DEVIL_DICK- But I want to keep in contact

DEVIL_DICK- Your number maybe?

I would be lying if I said I didn't like talking to him. I could just be myself with him just like I was with my best friends but I still didn't trust him enough. So I thought of something

THAT_GIRL-You've got a permanent account so I'll text you as soon as I come online


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