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I didn't know what was that ragged man was talking about. But it definitely wasn't good. I was scared and I wanted to go and tell Jin oppa everything but I couldn't.

I went to the bathroom and ran hot water over my ever so cold skin. I tried to forget the incident as if it was just like the vapors emanating from my skin. I closed my eyes trying to think about something good.

My mom's face appeared. I smiled a bit but then the stinging pain I felt was back and with that the realization too that I had a creepy stalker who was ready to kill everyone around me, even Yeonjun whom I barely knew.

I came out and changed into my night clothes and laid down on my bed. I tried to sleep but as soon as I closed my eyes, all I could do was sob. And I sobbed uncontrollably. 

Suddenly my phone beeped. I ignored it. I couldn't talk to anyone right now. I switched off my phone and tried to sleep. But sleep was nowhere near me. I tossed and turned the whole night thinking about how to get out of this situation. But I couldn't think of any way of getting out of it. I pushed my face in the pillow and screamed my lungs out.

I cried, I screamed, I sat motionless but nothing came to my mind. 

I could see the sun peeping through the horizon a bit now, I could feel the faint light on me from the window. I turned to face the other side. Soon enough, Taehyung was knocking on my door. I lay there motionless. 

At first, I didn't understand what had happened but as time passed it sunk into me, what was happening around me. 

"Y/N, open up the door. You didn't even eat anything yesterday night" Taehyung shouted from the other end of the door. I stayed silent.

"Is it because of that jerk Yeonjun?" Jin oppa shouted this time. 

That brought some life into me. But why did that one-word Yeonjun mean so much to me?

"I will kill that bastard. How dare he upset my little baby sister like that" I heard Jin oppa shout through the hallways. I wanted to stop him but why? He isn't the Yeonjun I like and the one I like doesn't even know about it and I know nothing about him.

Then I felt it was wrong to get someone involved in your shit. I got up and opened the door. There was ravaging Taehyung glaring at me. I ignored him and ran behind Jin oppa. 

He was about to start the car. "oppa, it has nothing to do with Yeonjun"

He was really angry. I never knew he loved me so much. 

"Then why didn't you come downstairs yesterday?" he asked his eyes still on the steering wheel.

"I was just tired."

"The bags under your eyes and your hair begs to differ Y/N" he said looking into my eyes for any hints of a lie

"I have a test today so I woke Up at 12 in night and I don't know when did I fall asleep" I replied laughing awkwardly.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes oppa" I said hugging him from the side.

"Just be careful please. Aunty has left you as my responsibility" he said caressing my hair.

"Yes oppa" I replied.

We both came inside. Taehyung was talking to someone in whispers on his phone

"Yes baby, I will come for sure. Don't worry love......yes.....ok bye love you"

"Who was that?" Oppa asked

He turned around shocked as if we asked him to give up Yeontan for adoption.

"N-No .....O-O-one" 

"Why are you stuttering then?"

I giggled behind oppa. This is my family and I hurt them by my behavior. I mad a mental note never to do that again no matter what.

Oppa knew something was brewing up but he brushed it off and moved ahead.

Taehyung was ready for school, so he went. I stayed back saying I wasn't feeling good.

I went up to my room. I decided to talk to Yeonjun. I switched on my phone. There were 150 messages from him. I would be lying if I said I wasn't flattered. I smiled a bit. 


Yeonjun- Hey

Yeonjun- how are you babygirl?

Yeonjun- you there?

Yeonjun- I am really scared now

Yeonjun- Answer me 

Yeonjun- Where are you?

Yeonjun- Ok I am really worried now

Yeonjun- The fuck Y/N where are youu??

And so on.....

I thought I'd give him a surprise by calling him today. But first I decided to take a shower. As I was about to step in the shower I heard my phone beep again.

*** *** ***

*** *** ***- So you finally decided to switch your damned phone on huh? Just wait for evening bitch



Ayooo I am back. I will be uploading regularly now :)))

I hope you like this chapter. there's so much to come  hahahaahaahha

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