Chapter 1

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3rd era

05th Fridas Frost Fall,651.


On the continent of Korst  the sky was covered in a thick layer of clouds blocking the sun, The northern part of Korst was shrouded in ice and snow travel was especially difficult during the months of frost as most roads were blocked with snow and ice, beats and people would migrate to warmer parts of Korst which was covered in less snow while others remained in the north during the harsh winters protected by the high walls of the northern kings, other desperate beats would stay stalk the nomadic tribes or settlements in the area.

During the early days of frost two dark elves were out hunting game, the rode on a cart pulled by two horses, the back of the cart was full of dead beasts, The land was covered in snow and ice the trees around them had long lost there leaves and looked withered and dead, as the where moving through the forest and approached a stream the noticed two frost trolls one of the youths pointed at the trolls and suggested attacking them.

"Do you think this will work Urav?" one of the youths said he was covered from head to toe in leather armor while edges of the armor showed the thick white fur sticking out, his skin was dark grey his hair white as the snow and around his arms where tribal tattoos "I don't think is a good idea Darav we barely beat one frost troll, now you want to kill two" Urav interrupted he was dressed in the same armor and had the same features but his eyes where pure white "but if we kill them we can have extra meat for the months of frost" he started to ready his bow and arrows " We cant handle it lets return now, last thing I want to do is have broken bones and spend my days sleeping on furs, besides we have enough" Darav hesitated before signing "fine but if I hear you complain about the lack of meat I'll toss you out into the cold" as both of them where discussing one of the trolls raised its head and turned its head to the hunters it growled before it started pounding on it's chest with its thick fur covered arms alerting the other troll the started to charge at the hunters.

As the where discussing the horses started to shake and neigh Urav noticed the trolls charging at them out of the corner of his eye "We have to go NOW!!!" Drava also turned and noticed the trolls charging "shit", as the lead the cart out of the forest the trolls we're hot on their heels.

"Darav use your bow" he unsligned his bow and launched a few arrows at the trolls some hit the trolls but none showed damage while the others missed, as the chase continued the cart started to hit a few bumps on the uneven path causing Drava to miss a few shots
"Can't you keep it straight"
"Unless I remove some dead weight"
"Do it"
"You're still holding the bow drop it I'll toss you over"
"Screw you, you cant see anything how are you going to aim"
As the desperately tried to lose the them the trolls continued to chase them and soon started to catch up to the cart.
"Any other bright ideas"
"Drop the bow and jump off"
"Besides that, one"

As the chase continued the left the forest and entered a large clearing, in the distance they could see smoke rise and as the got closer the noticed a few shapes moving in the distance.
"Keep trying to kill them Darav I'll try and head to one of the hunting parties"
In the distance Elder Nero was practicing drawing runes on the surface of a stone tablet, he wore  leather armor his hands and neck where covered in tribal tattoo's his face was wrinkled but still his body gave of a youthful vigor besides him where stone tablets, around him the other hunters where gutting and skinning the beasts the had hunted when he detected a fast approaching cart being chased by trolls he sighed because he knew the owner of the cart. "huhhh it seems today's practice is off" as he stood up, he started to cast a spell in both hands thick ice shards started to float behind him he turned to the hunters behind him and shouted "hunters prepare your weapons!!!"

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