Chapter 2

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"Okay! Boys what have you learnt today?"I said as I looked at the boys' pale-faces.

"N-never s-steal your food?"

"Is that a question I hear Caleb?"

"N-no ma'am!"

"Okie dokey I'll be right back with some cookies and milk don't go anywhere."I replied with an evil smirk.

Ahhh,when life gives you lemons.Why are the boys scared you might ask? Well let's just say this will be the last time they steal my food.No one steals MY food.Last night when they came to dinner without being invited might I add, they stole my Oreos.I repeat THEY STOLE MY OREOS! So today I asked them to come over so I could teach them a lesson.(insert evil laugh here)
It's a simple prank nothing dangerous.But of course they don't know I'm going to prank them.They thought I was only going to lecture them which I did earlier.

I call this prank Cookiegates and laxamilk.

What's the worst that could happen when you eat Colgate and down it with some good ole' laxative mixed with milk?

I took some packet Oreos and scraped out the cream and replaced it with some Colgate.Then I mixed some laxative into three tall glasses of milk.

"Here guys enjoy,"I said placing the cookiegates and laxamilk on the coffee table.

Caleb quickly picked up a cookie while Dylan hesitated and Grayson looked at me as if I murdered somebody.His face was pale.

"It's not like if I poisoned it or anything,"I said motioning to the cookies.

Caleb quickly dropped his cookie and muttered something about not thinking about that possibility.

"That's because you don't have a brain,"Grayson added.

Within seconds they were on the floor tackling each other.Before I could stop them Dylan did.

"Break it up you two we have cookies and milk that Lexi brought us.It's a once in a while opportunity to have food given to us willingly by her,"Dylan said using the nickname him and the other two boys call me.

I replied to that comment by sending a pillow flying straight to his face.


"Lucky shot,"he muttered quietly but I still heard it.

I threw another pillow at his face to reply to that statement.

"Ok geez! You have good aim. Happy?" Dylan said.

"Very,"I said grinning.

After our little exchange of words,Dylan along with Caleb and Grayson each grabbed a cookie.I had the urge to rub my hands together and do the evil laugh but I resisted because I didn't want to make them suspicious of me.They each took a bite of their cookies and swallowed it.The looks on their faces were priceless.

Caleb went down on his knees saying,"I'm going into the light!"

Dylan pretended to choke or at least I thought he was pretending and fell to the ground."Caleb, don't go into the light! Lexi,how could you?We trusted you."

Ahhh! Talk about dramatic.

Grayson was the most calm one out of the three.
He quickly got up and shouted,"The milk! Guys down it with the milk!"

They sprang from the floor as quick as lightning and each drank their whole glass of milk.
I couldn't resist anymore.I laughed evilly and rubbed my hands together saying,"You can't defeat me!"
What? Come on it had to be said.I couldn't pass up that opportunity.

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