Chapter 1

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My name is Opal and I never die. That's why I sit in this dim, concrete, boring cell for hours and hours on end. Well, to be honest it is better than everything else I do. I do not eat and I do not drink. I just sit and stare at that concrete wall, wondering how I will die next. Wondering how they kill me next.

My cell has no windows, no way to see out into the world around me. I only have a digital clock and a bed, which I am seated on now. The steel door is constantly locked, unless they come to take me to my next death. All four walls are concrete. My cell is basically a white concrete box with a bed, wooden bedside table, a digital clock and small dim lamp, which I always keep switched on because of my fear of the dark. It has only gotten dimmer since I first arrived, which was four years ago. They took me to the Facility when I was fourteen. I am eighteen since four hours ago. Yes, I know, today is my birthday. But at the Facility they never care. So now, not even I celebrate it.

I hear the rusty lock of the door click unlocked with a heavy thud, but I don't show any signs of movement. I continue to sit and stare at the white, concrete wall.

"Ms. Jade." A deep voice sounds from the doorway, echoing throughout the cell.

I finally turn my head to look at the man, my straight, blonde hair falling over my shoulders. I look in his direction, but I don't make eye contact with the man.

"Are you ready?" He asks, as if I have a choice.

I stand up from the bed and fix up the black, woolly sheets.

I wear black leggings, a black T-shirt and black joggers with black socks. Which is all they provided me with when I arrived at the Facility.

I stand in front of the man and nod. He steps out and gestures for me to walk out of the cell. When I do four heavy duty soldiers immediately take place around me. The man stands in front of me and the group of soldiers and lead us around the Facility to our destination. Everything is a shiny white. The walls, the floors, doors, even the outside of my cell door is a shiny, clean white.

After five minutes of walking the man stops at one of the shiny, white doors. He slides his keycard on a black scanner which beeps and turns from red to green. He then opens the door and gestures for me to go in first. I step inside and he slips in beside me and shuts the door behind himself.

In front of me stands a man in a navy blue suit and a navy blue tie. His short black hair, slicked back neatly. Behind him is an empty glass tube, that looks big enough for three of myself.

"Ms. Jade. Welcome back to The Tube room. Today you will be doing this practise with another patient. I would like you to meet Ms. Opal." He stood to the side and a girl that looks around exactly my age steps forward.

"Hello. You can just call me Jade." She says, holding out her hand to shake it.

Her name is basically the same as mine. Just swapped up. I'm a bit surprised, but manage to speak to her instead of being awkwardly silent this time.

"And you can call me Opal." I say quietly, shaking her hand softly. I look into her emerald green eyes and smile a little. It feels great to finally meet someone of my own age. I hope I see her again. We turn and face the man in the suit, awaiting our next instructions.

"For this test you will both get into your seperate tubes and stay there. You will not bang on the tube with fists or feet to get out because that will result in greater punishment after the test and the glass of the tubes are unbreakable, so you have no chance of escaping the tubes once inside unless we open it." Once he finishes speaking we both do as told. Jade goes to the glass tube beside mine and looked nervous. Four years and even I still get nervous when doing tests as well.

I climb up the cold metal ladder to the metal platform above the tubes and two scientists place a ladder that clings to the side of the tube in, so that I can climb in. I shiver with fear as I climb into the tube. Last time, they drowned me in water in here. So I'm already quiet scared of The Tube.

I stand inside of the glass tube and turn to face the other girl, Jade. She's already shaking so bad from pure terror. She must be new to this.

The scientists close the large round door on the tubes with a clank and I hear them lock it with a thud.
The man clicks his fingers and lime green mixture pours down the side of the tubes almost immediately.
It almost looks like slime as it goops down the inside of the glass cylinder tube.

As soon as the green liquid gets to the bottom of the tube in mine I hear a shrill scream from Jade's.
Whatever this is... I think I guarantee a painful death for the both of us.

As soon as the liquid touches my shoes it burns through them. It bubbles up and burns through my shoes. Once it gets through my shoes, it burns through the flesh of my feet.

"Turn it up two notches." I hear the muffled voice of the man.

The acid comes quicker. It burns up to my ankles. I scream in pain and horror. Jade was still screaming louder than ever in her own glass tube.

Then it all fades away. The pain, the screaming, the horror. Everything goes black.

Five minutes later, I wake up. I'm still in the tube room and Jade lay next to me. Both of us on the floor, side by side.

"Are they awake yet?" I hear the man's deep voice from another room.

"I will go and check." A lady's voice says from the same room as him.

Jade begins to get up, but I pull her back down onto the ground, "Don't let them know you are awake." I whisper into her ear as quiet as possible. She nods slowly and lays back down.

We both close our eyes so that it seems like we are still not awake. As we do so, we hear the clicking of high heels on the shiny white floor. The clicking gets louder and louder. The clicking of her heels suddenly stop, right in front of us.

Jade and I freeze.

The women sighs and walks away, the clicking gets quieter and quieter.

Jade exhales a breath and sits up, "Why was I brought here?" She whispers.

"You're new here?" I whisper back as I sit up myself.

"Yes." Her voice squeaks.

"I don't know why we are here." I whisper as I look at the shiny white floor.

"How long have you been here for?" She whispers, her voice squeaking once again.

"Four years ago." I whisper, keeping my eyes on the ground.

"Oh..." She sits up straight, "Have you ever thought about ru-" Jade begins, but is cut off by the sound of the man's heavy boots getting closer to the room.

We both sit up straight, me being more calm, but Jade's breathing gets faster and faster. She's scared.
"Ah, you're awake. Finally." The man says as he looks down at the both of us.

Jade stares at him wide eyed, while I just avoid eye contact with him.

He snaps his fingers and the man that lead me here walks in the room and grabs my arm, pulling me off of the ground. He then let's go of my arm and the same four guards stand around me. The man begins walking and leads me through the halls. All the way back to my cell.

Once more, I sit on my bed, "Dinner is in an hour." He says as the door is shut behind him.

The heavy metal lock slides across once more, making a rusty metal sound as it does. Once again, I'm left in the dim lit room. I stare at the same spot of the wall and begin my thinking once more.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2019 ⏰

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