Chapter 21

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Chelsea's POV

"I think it's time for me to go babe."
"Nooooo. Don't go. Please stay."
"It's past midnight Chelsea, I have to get home. I can't stay with you in the hospital any longer."
DJ and I were currently laying in my hospital bed, just simply enjoying each other's presence.
"Please, just for a little while longer."I tried to persuade him. I leaned in a litter closer, diminishing the little space that was between us and placed my lips on his. He wasted no time in responding, pulling me closer than I already am. I was about to straddle him when he pulled away.
"I'm serious Chelsea. I really have to go."
I only pouted and turned away. He grabbed my chin with his thumb and index finger and turned me back around to stare in his eyes.
"You know I love you right?"he rested his forehead on mine, staring back into my eyes.
"I know."
"Good. Then you'll know I'll be back first thing tomorrow morning. Right?"
"Yeah, I know that too."despite the fact that I'm still mad at him, I managed to smile. He returned my smile and got up.
"I love you Chelsea."
"I love you too DJ."
He walked over to me and gave me a quick peck before he left.
I quickly snuggled into the blankets that I got when I was admitted in the hospital and tried to let sleep over take me.
I was on the verge of sleep when a soft knock on my door woke me.
"Chelsea?"a nurse peeked her head through the now slightly open door.
"Uhm, a guy named DJ is asking to see you."
My eyebrows furrowed at the thought of DJ wanting to see me.

He just left.

"Why does he want to see me?"I was beyond confused.
"He said he forgot something. Should I send him in?"she questioned impatiently.
"Yeah, send him in."
She simply nodded her head and closed the door behind her. I was about to get up and meet DJ at the door when I accidentally pushed my phone off the bed, causing the back of it to come off and the battery to fly under the bed. While kneeling and trying to find it, I heard the door open and close, signaling that someone was in the room.
"Hey DJ. What did you forget?"
"Hello Chelsea. How have you been?"
When I heard the voice I froze.

That's not DJ.

I slowly stood and turned to face the owner of the voice.
"Hey. Long time no see."an awfully sinister smirk appeared on his face. I for one felt scared, he seemed........different.
"Why are you here?"I crossed my arms infront of my chest, trying to come off as intimidating.
"I'm here for you."
"What do you mean your here for me?"I instinctively took a step back.
"There's no double meaning to what I said Chelsea. I'm here for you."he took a threatening step forward.
"So what? Are you here to kidnap me or something?"
"Wow. I thought I had to explain it to you."he let out a humorless chuckle.
I kept taking steps back until I felt my back hit the wall. I glanced around for an escape route, or something I can hit him with.
"If you even think about running, I will hurt you."he gritted out, pulling a gun out of his waist. My eyes widened at the sight and I started to panic. Despite what he said, I made a dash for the door. Jumping over the bed and dodging the little furniture that was in the room, I was in hands reach of the doorknob when I felt a pair of hands around my waist, pulling me back towards a chest.
"What the f**k did I just say!"Cleo shouted in my ear, pressing the gun to my temple.
"I'm s-sorry."I muttered,tears stinging my eyes.

I will not cry infront of him.

"I should just lodge a bullet in your brain right now, because bitches like you who don't listen, deserve to die."
"No. C-Cleo. P-please. I'm begging you."I pleaded, putting my pride aside.
"Oh hush up. He wants you alive, so I can't shoot you. Yet."

Oh thank God!

"So this is what's going to happen. You and I are going to walk through this hospital, without you drawing attention to us. I already checked you out, so no questions will be asked. We're going to walk all the way to my truck that's parked outside, where I'm going to blindfold you so I can drive you somewhere? Got it?"he said, staring at me dead in the eyes.
"Good. Now let's go."
I was about to walk out the door when Cleo grabbed my arm and yanked me back.
"And Chelsea. It doesn't matter to me that he wants you alive. If you try to escape again, I won't hesitate to put a bullet in you."
He must have saw when I gulped because he smiled after. He then held on to my right arm and pulled me out the door. We walked until we reached the lobby where the receptionist sat, typing away on her laptop.
"Dont try anything."Cleo whispered, pressing up on me so that I can feel the gun tucked away in his waist.
He led me towards the exit, passing the receptionist. I glanced at her, hoping she would feel my gaze.

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