2. The End of Perfection

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There it was, the beast that Sanna was supposed to get rid of, was just staring at her, ignorant of her divine perfection.

Sanna didn't think of this as much. Slaying a beast was as easy as breathing for her(maybe even easier than that). Little did she know this was no ordinary beast.

Sanna charged in ready to defeat the beast with only one blow. But what happened next she couldn't have possibly predicted(yes, even with her level of perfection). The beast opened its huge mouth and swallowed the perfect human whole.

Sanna was in the belly of the beast. However instead of complete darkness it was very bright.

-That's odd, the perfect Sanna thought to herself.

The stomach was bigger than she had originally thought. It was almost as if there was a tunnel. Sanna decided to follow the tunnel and she ended up in a strange world.

The people were wearing strange clothes and the nature was something she had never seen(despite her perfection). It was beautiful. But this world... it gave off a strange energy, like it was rejecting her. I'm not supposed to be here.

And just like that Sanna was no more. She just faded away.

But because she was perfect she couldn't just let it end like this. So despite her not having a physical form she went into a river. The river started glowing the moment Sanna entered there.

This river that is in another world was later known as The Holy Sanna River. It is said to have the power to heal anything - let it be a physical, mental or spiritual injury.

And this is how the tale of the most perfect human ever lived (and ever will live) ends... with her becoming one with a river.

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