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Sehyoon was finally home again, looking around his kitchen for the things he needed to get at the store. He quickly scribbled in on a piece of paper and walked to his car. He drove to the store, finding everything he needed before checking out and leaving.

Bringing everything into his house and putting it away, Sehyoon sat on his couch. Running a hand through his hair and sighing, he thought back to Junhee and Donghun's offer.

"I can't do this alone." He said to himself, taking out his phone and dialing Byeongkwan's number. The younger answered by the second ring.

"Sehyoon? You okay?" Byeongkwan asked over the line. The older let out a deep sigh again.

"Yeah, I don't know. I'm stressing over Junhee and Donghun's offer and I'm not too sure why." He hearing a hum on the other line.

"I was thinking about that too."

"I want to take it, but at the same time I don't. Working with Junhee and Donghun, especially on their dream, would be great. I just don't think I can leave the school. Like, yeah some of the kids are a pain on the ass but they are still great students with a lot of potential. I want to be there when they finally figure out what they want to do, if they haven't already. What about you?" He asked.

"Kind of the same. I love my job, and I love science as I always have. I also love dancing, which I'm sad I stopped doing, so it's hard. My students are great and they work hard while also having fun. We have known Junhee and Donghun for so many years, and I- I don't know. God, this is harder than I thought it would be." He chuckled, Sehyoon following as well.

"Here. Let's just sleep on it, and see if we can figure it out. I don't want to leave them hanging, but if I accept I want it to be soon that way when the school year ends, we can get ready. If I don't, then I want them to know so that they can actually find people." Byeongkwan hummed, agreeing.

"Okay, well I'm going to go. I have a bunch of papers and shit to grade and I don't want to do it tomorrow."

"Okay! Bye Kwan!"


They hung up and Sehyoon flopped on his couch, leaning his head over the edge. He breathed out and sat there for a moment before standing up and changing into a pair of gym shoes. He grabbing his phone and earbuds, making sure he had his keys and a couple dollars before going outside. The chilled weather hit him in the face, sending shivers down his back. He jumped up a couple times before starting his job.

After an hour into his jog, he got a message from Byeongkwan. He sighed, knowing what this was about.






I'm fine

You're stressed

Go back inside and take a bath or something

Don't go outside in the cold and risk getting sick

This is how I clear my mind

And you know this

I'll be fine

How long have you been outside?

About an hour


Fine, but if you get sick expect lots of care

From you?


Than I will expect to get cuddled to death


I'm so scared.

I was convinced before I read the period

You fucking spoon

Why must I be a spoon

Because you are

Now go inside

My mind is cleared

I will soon

You better

Stay safe

I feel threatened

And confused

But okay Kwan




He put his phone back in his pocket and continued to jog for a while before following Byeongkwan's advise and going inside. He showered quickly before going to bed.

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