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"Miss Henwai? If you'd like to join us?" I pulled my head up out of my arms and looked up at the movie my teacher had been playing. I looked around the dark room and saw a boy with a red bandana wrapped around his head watching me. He saw me make eye contact with him, and then turned back around to focus on the movie.

I picked my back pack up off of the floor and placed it on the fake wooden desks that our lovely school system provided for us. Because they care "so much" for our education.

I glanced over at the clock on the wall next to the door. 3:29. One minute left until I could get home and away from school.

"Okay, so we'll pick this up Monday, yes?"

No one answered her question, so Mrs. Luton sat back down at her desk.

I swear, this woman was on the brink of expiration. She was a good twenty years past retirement, but insisted that she could still keep up.

So here she was, white hair, in a small bun, a beige pant suit, almost ninety years old, teaching 12th grade Philosophy.

As she turned the lights back on and opened the blinds, I looked outside and saw people walking back and forth, the occasional football being thrown.

I began to pick at the fabric of my sweater as the last minute of class droned on.


The clock silently ticked forward second by second, making me more and more anxious.

I grabbed my bag and went to stand by the door, playing with the ends of my black hair.

I glanced down at the hair in between my fingers. It made my already pale skin, look even more unnaturally pale.

The dismissal bell rang.

Even though I was the first person in line at the door, people still shoved past, wanting to go savor a 'last kiss' with a loved one before they would see them not even six hours later at the annual Friday football game.

I finally went to step through the door when someone shoved past, making me drop my book that I had been holding in my hand.

"Fucking watch it." I muttered angrily. A mess of dark blonde hair reached down and grabbed the book. I took it from their hand and noticed that it was bandana boy.

"Sorry." He angrily said.

"Oh please tell me you're not a dick of a football player."

"Excuse me?"

"I was just saying, you seemed in a rush to get out of here. You must be going to say goodbye to your captain of the cheerleading girlfriend before your big game. Ya know, team spirit!" I add emphasis to the ending, doing a half assed cheer leading pose with my hands barely above my shoulders.

He rolls his eyes and looks at me.

"I have better things to do than go to these lame ass games, let alone date one of the cheer zombies."

"Oh. I-i'm sorry. I just tho-"

"Ya, you just thought." he retorted, walking away angrily.

Fuck. Way to screw it up Lake, just another reason for people to hate you.


"Come on Laaaaake. Go to the game. Please."

"You know, as much as I love you Melani, you couldn't make me go. You could give me five hundred dollars and I still wouldn't go."

I shovel a fork of lettuce into my mouth and chew slowly.

Melani shakes her white hair, not giving in, trying to come up with an idea to make me go. Her cheeks flushed with anger.

"Come on! You never go! It'll be fun! You may meet someone there." she tried to reason.

I swallowed my lettuce and held out a finger.

"And that's exactly why I don't want to go. I prefer solitude with my few friends." I wave to the space around me, which was occupied by my bag of Chipotle, a drink and Melani.

"You. Need. To. Get. Out." Melani hissed, putting emphasis on each word.

"No I don't."

"Um yes you do."



"Melani no."

"Please Lake? It would mean the world to me."

She looked at me with her piercing green eyes, which contrasted with my ice blue eyes.

"Ugh fine. But you owe me." I gave in, but I put up a fight.

"Yay! You are the best!"

She jumped across the table and hugged me tightly, keeping her face on my shoulder.

"Yea yea, let's go." I grumble, grabbing my back pack from the table and slinging it over my shoulder.


Okay! So I know this one was kind of short, but I'm trying to make this really nice.

It will get better. I promise! This was just the first and I just wanted to get basic things across. More information will be within the next few chapters.

The chapters will get longer too, I'm just really tired and have to wake up early. So I'll update over the weekend. Let me know what you think in the comments!

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