dear the signs...

12 1 1


I wish you would not be so compulsive.

I hope you face every challenge in your life with complete faith and courage.


I wish you were not so stubborn.

I hope you find things that comfort you everywhere you go. That way, you won't have to fear the changes in your life.


I wish you would not play so many games.

I hope you ease your anxiety and embrace and love every side of yourself.


I wish you would not give away so much of your energy to people who are not open to your help.

I hope you become a mother to yourself; you learn how to nurture and care for your physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies.


I wish you would not be so pushy for attention.

I hope you never stop seeing the goodness and the divine in yourself.


I wish you would stop knit-picking at every little thing.

I hope you realize that true perfection comes when you accept both the things you can and cannot change in life.


I wish you would not worry so much about what others think of you.

I hope you learn to be objective and to use your kindness, mercy, understanding, and sense of justice to mediate problems and disagreements.


I wish you would not obsess over the bad in people.

I hope you learn to heal the shadow sides of yourself, thus being a role model to others who also want to heal themselves.


I wish you would not leave so many people behind on your search for something better.

I hope you find the knowledge you've been searching for on your journey.


I wish you would not worry so much.

I hope one day you will rest and finally enjoy everything you have built for yourself and your loved ones.


I wish you would not block out the people who love you.

I hope that once you've spent time inside your mind, you are able to open up and share your knowledge with others.


I wish you would not look to others for your self-worth and sense of identity.

I hope you celebrate and cherish your individuality as if it were sacred.

my favourite subject is history, whats yours?

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