chapter 2

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Between the Kitsune and System was a silence after the oh so mighty God with reasons unknown fled.

James is currently thinking what to do with the kid what doesn't look a day older then ten. He has short black hair and dark blue like the sea eyes.
His expression is natural but in his eyes you could see the immaturity.

So James couldn't help but smirk. 'Interesting hm... seems like I got a little brother to tease~' The system had to restrain a shiver from seeing that guys smirk and cussing inwardly at that cowardly God.

[Host I am now-

"Don't call me Host. Call me by my name. Oh. And your name is going to be Keith so behave you're  now my little brother"  said James before turning away not seeing the shocked face of Keith.

After saying that James remembered all the times he was jealous of his classmates for having siblings when he visited them because of the school work they had to do.

Keith on the other Side was shocked and couldn't comprehend what the f*co happened. He remembers all the tales from these snobby systems about how their host was always mean, and this man no immortal declared him as his little brother he felt warm in his chest and he understood a system is not programmed to feel like this. But seeing that immortal he smiled.

[Yes J-james] he stuttered but James gave him a smile.

"Let's go Keith  we're going to explore the universe"

After he said that a portal opened and they jumped in to a unknown world.


After jumping in James was a bit miffed, 'it was more uncomfortable than I thought it would be'

As he regained his composure he noticed the smell of rotten flesh. When he looked around he was on some sort of roof. He looked around and found Keith vomiting on the ground.

So James neared Keith and drew soothing circles on his back. "Hey everything okay? Big boy here have some water" says   the Immortal.

Keith turned around and pointed on the other side of the roof and it seems there is a person... no a walking corpse? How were they called? Uh Zonpis? No Zombie I think.

"James it seems like we're in apocalypse world where the humans tried to enchant human strength and accidentally the zombie virus was made the virus broke out and about ninety percent or more of humans turned zombies they infect you with a bite or scratch. It seems also like that humans developed powers like fire, wind erarth and etc" Keith explained

'Huh... that could be fun' James thought and killed the zombie with a handwave


Somewhere else

Zombies were flooding the city like mots to the light every where are screams and crys a slave trader sold a infected slave to someone fled the city since he had kidnapped many children and woman.

They are now on the way f city military base in B city while they're moving all the slaves pretend to be mute. They are very afraid, since the apocalypse is very dangerous and if they make just one unauthorised sound they going to be thrown out.

In the very end of slaves is a girl about seven years old freshly kidnapped from the city they were in before.

She had a strong will to survive and looked with determination in her eyes at the guards. Previously she had mourned her aunt who was bitten by that infected slave. She is going to fight with toe and nail to meet her big brother again.

Unknown to the girl is, that she activated her powers in that moment and and even a mile away could a certain white haired man feel the shift in the air decides to...


James was currently assessing himself in the mirror as he felt the wind suddenly flatten. He curiously cocked an eyebrow in silent question when he looked at Keith for cornfimination.

Keith also felt it and looked James in the eyes and nodded.

'Well let's go and take a look' James curiously thought as he took a last side glance at the mirror. His looks didn't change a lot from his old world he had an average hight and slim body his face was now smoother and just as pale as it was before because of the many all nighters he pulled of. He still has an flawless face but instead of brown he had now white hair. Or the fact that his eyes are red and slitted.

He jumped trough the roof and started sprinting as Keith followed him. They soon reached a truck where zombie were gathering they could see how some wind like power cut trough the zombies like paper and decided to help. James let's his presence being known and looks around as the zombies shuffle away.

He then looks in and his eyes widen in surprise and then smirks. In front of him is a little girl no older than eight, no seven years old with dirty brown hair and determined sky blue  eyes.

He nears her and asks " Whats your name?" She looks up in surprise and was awed at James appearance but quickly remembered the answer.

"My name is Lily, Lily Watson" she said trusting her instincts that she could trust this being.

James was amused by her and broke the cage while stretching his hand out to to her. "Well then Lily, why don't you come with us?"

But instead of taking the hand, her eyes full of happiness and jumped him in the arms and cried in relief.

"Shhh everything is going to be fine, my name is James and that's over there Keith" James said with a gentle smile and caried her in his arms as she fell asleep.

Then Keith came over to observe the young girl and looked at James with excited eyes. "James, she is going to be a force  reckon"

" I know"

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