Chapter 2

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Alastor quickly snapped out of his daze and slowly lets go of Doll's cheeks "I-I'm so sorry my dear I was dazing!" the two of them fell silent it was about a few minutes until he spoke up "but...why did you say those nice things about me...yes dear i am flattered, didn't have to say those things about me...i don't deserve them...," he looked down at the floor and tears started to form into his eyes again. She noticed and sighed softly feeling bad over him saying that so she slowly pulling him into another hug she was a shorty compared to his size he was like probably 6 foot or 7 foot tall she didn't know and she didn't care all she wanted to do is comfort her dear friend. She started to hum a soft tune while gently rubbing his back "you do deserve those words said...yes they were cheesy, but I meant them...I really did...," she noticed that he was looking at her as tears started to roll down his cheeks "t-thank you my dear don't know how important that was of you to say those k-kind words about me...," she looked at him and smiled softly and lets go of him "your welcome Al...that's what friend's are for..." he just looked at her shocked and surprised over what she just said. "F-Friend's...? you want to be my friend...?" she nods slowly and smiles "yes of course you helped me come this far and you made me this person the here and now and I thank you for that so you deserve to have a friend," he just smiled wildly and his cheeks turned into a tint pink "t-thank you my dear I would be glad to be your friend," so as they walked out of the Al's office she swore she has never seen him smile this wide in her whole life. Alastor always kept in touch with her just to make sure she was okay which was really nice and kind of him to do, but he really didn't really need to do that, but she knew she could take care of herself. They would always go out to talk and always have some fun together (!LIKE FRIENDS!) and they always laugh around and joke all the time until something happened to him. He stopped coming over to her place, he stopped going over to their favorite places to hang out and she started to worry if she did something wrong, but what she didn't know that he was killing people right underneath her little nose. She walked over to Mimzy's place to see if she knows what's wrong with him and Mimzy looked at her "Doll no one knows whats wrong with him not even the other workers...i'm worried about him as much as you are...," she looked at Doll and she looked down and thinks for a moment "I know he's at the radio station!" so she quickly got up and ran to the radio station this it was the weekend the other workers came in late, but she knew him better then anyone yea she didn't know him that well, but she knew well enough where he would've went. She ran inside the radio station and she smelled something terrible in the station and she thought "HOLY! it smells like rotten flesh!," she started to look around the station "Al! Al you in here!," she yelled and looked around all worried and concerned and walks around the station shouting "AL! AL PLEASE COME OUT! ITS ME ASHLEY!," she kept looking around until she heard this weird chuckle she looked around, but there was nothing behind her that's when she started to get freaked out. "A-Al...please come out...this isn't funny Al!," she kept looking around the station and he was no where to be found when she was about to give up she heard that chuckle again only this time...that chuckle was right behind her...! she tensed up her body couldn't move she was terrified to move at all she didn't know what to do in this problem...she wanted to run, but she didn't know if this person would want to kill her so she stood there and gulps and her breathing starts to become heavy she was scared for her life a hand grabbed her shoulder and she swung her fist and hit the person in the side of their face and quickly turned on the the lights and it was Al and his face was covered in blood...she didn't hit him that hard did she, but it wasn't her hitting him she noticed a dead body laying there and she gasp and backed away slowly "A-Al...did...did you kill this person...!?," she looked at him shaking in fear and he just stood there grinning and smiling. She stepped back and she covered her mouth "A-Al....please tell me you didn't kill that man...please tell me you didn't....!," she was now terrified of what he can and could do to her now...he slowly walked towards her and she kept stepping back "s-stay away from me FREAK!?," she started to tear up and shiver "w-why did you do this Al...I-I thought you cared about these people....!," she whimpered and looked at him and he chuckled devilishly "cause it's not nearly enough my dear~ I've been killing people ever since you started working here doll~," he smiled grew wide very wide and she slowly backed up and she looks at him terrified "b-but....all the words I said about nice i was to you...wasn't that enough...?," he grinned at him and stayed silent and he started to speak again "I lay awake with those memories, not fear them...RELISHING them...!," she started to back away slowly "A-Al...please stop...!," his face drew more dark and cold every time he spoke "The sound of steel ripping through their flesh...the sight of their face tinging blue...the smell...You don't's ELATING!!," she tried to stay away from him, but she was too scared to move "w-what are you doing Al!?," Mimzy quickly ran in before Al could hurt doll she pushed her out of the way and Al grabbed Mimzy chocking her and she started to gag and lose her breathe "AL STOP LET HER GO!?," He kept getting his grip on Mimzy's neck tighter and tighter "nothing makes you feel more powerful...alive!" Doll just laid there on the floor panicking and terrified of what to do Mimzy tried to get his grip off her, but it didn't work "AL LET HER GO SHE CANT BREATHE!?," he just kept chocking her " look so pretty like that...!," she tried to get to help Mimzy "AL STOP YOUR GOING TO KI-!," Doll heard Mimzy's neck break and she drew her final breath and she stood there shocked and filled with horror over what Alastor had done...!

(!Chapter 2 is done now i'm gonna work on Chapter 3 and yes i did add a little comic fanfic idea in this dont judge me!)

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