Have you ever lay awake every night because you can't sleep because you too busy thinking about how hard life is? Everybody sound asleep but you up on the phone or watching tv so you won't think too much. When you think you get into your feeling and when u get into your feelings you get mad and when you get mad you cry. Thinking about how your future is going to be like or why family don't talk to you anymore or why you don't have any friends or why people don't like your choices in your life. You think you trying your best but your best not good enough. You do something and it's always a problem. You wait at night to cry so people won't see you down but have a smile in the daytime so people won't ask what's wrong. You just want to get out of a box and you don't know how too or where to start. But you have a little something to put a smile on your face or a light to your darkness but you feel like things are getting in a way of your little something and you won't have it anymore. But some people doesn't like your little something but you keep it just because it makes you happy. And that little something is my girlfriend ❤️