Chapter 20

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"Just for a few minutes. I need to get some files.", George looked at me pleadingly and I groaned.
"Alright. But only if we buy cake on the way back, I'm really craving some."
We had been at my flat the entire day, but for some reason we had decided to drive to George's flat for the night and take a short detour to his old place.
"Great, okay. I'll be quick and Adrianna is at some fashion show right now any way. So no worries, we won't run into her."
He knew me too well. The biggest issue for me to go back to his old flat was the risk of running into his (ex) fiancé. I was not in the mood for that at all. It was quite late already and the weather was dreadful, so London's streets were empty and we arrived at George's old place in no time. I really hoped there were no paparazzi. Our relationship was not ready to be exposed. Thankfully George drove the black Jaguar down into a garage, so that we were save from any potential camera photographing us together.
I was even considering waiting in the car, but curiosity got me, I really wanted to see George's old flat and therefore I followed him to the lift. He had his arms around my waist the entire way to the front door and only let go to open the door and let us in.
"I'll be back in a minute."
I nodded and took a look around the flat. It was filled with very classical, nearly antique interior and was probably more Adrianna's doing, because judging by George's new flat that looked so much more comfortable, sleek and less like a museum it wasn't his style
Over the very old fireplace there were a few small picture frames looking slightly out of place. When I got closer I realised they were photographs and not antique paintings like every other wall decoration. Drawn to them, I picked one up and my breath got stuck in my throat.
It was one of those perfect photos, all of them were. George looked about ten years younger and so did Adrianna. They had been photographed without them noticing, fooling around, laughing at each other, love and admiration in their eyes and a sweet kiss between loving people. I had to swallow when I realised how long they had been together already and how happy they seemed to be. So careless. So in love. It was such a contrast to the forced poses on the red carpet and yet these pictures were so much more beautiful. My heart ached when I thought of what I had gotten in the middle off but got surprised by George speaking up right behind me.
"Alright, we can leave."
I nearly dropped the frame and put it back immediately, as if I'd done something forbidden.
"Good, let's go.", I really wanted to get out of here.
"Alex, are you alright?", George looked at me as if he tried to read my mind, but I just shrugged.
"Sure, why shouldn't I be?"
"Because you have that look on your face. I know that look."
I rolled my eyes at him and took his hand into mine. "I'm fine. Believe me. I just really want to get some cake now."
George started laughing and I seemed to successfully have taken his mind off me.
"Alright, then let's go and get you some.", intertwining our fingers he pulled me closer to himself. He leaned down to give me a short, tingling kiss on the lips and then turned around to go back to the main door. I followed him, throwing one last look back at the photos behind me. If George said, he didn't love her any more, then I would have to believe him. And an old photo shouldn't change that.
I was ripped out of my thoughts by the rustling of keys in the door.
In pure shock I watched Adrianna Ramiréz pull a suitcase into the flat I so desperately wanted to leave.
"Oh George, I thought I saw your car in the garage."
She looked at me and frowned, throwing her long blond locks behind her shoulder. "And I see you brought her."
If looks could kill, I would've dropped dead on the mahogany floor boards.
"I'm so sorry, if you don't like me being in your flat. I'll be out in a second.", I was about to let go of George's hand, when he pulled me closer.
"Don't be silly, you can be in MY flat whenever you want."
I absolutely got the hint he had dropped towards Adrianna and saw her face twisting in anger for a split second. She stared at the arm around my waist and realisation hit me. She was jealous.
Not in the: you stole my money machine in shape of my fake fiancé, but in the: you are the reason he doesn't love me any more kinda way. When she walked past us I saw her eyes glisten in sadness. She was still in love with him.
I felt bad for her. I had never wanted to be the other woman, but seeing her sadness made me realise, I was exactly that to her. George had assured me that there were no feelings involved any more, but obviously he had been wrong. Or lying.
"Can you wait here for a moment, I need to check some insurance files before we leave.", George looked at me apologetically. Why did he not do that earlier? Why did I have to stand here now, waiting for him in the lion's den?
I really didn't want to cause a scene, so I just nodded, hoping for him to come back as soon as possible.
"You know, I will have to spend Christmas on my own for the first time in seven years. All because of you little bitch who just couldn't stop herself from stealing my fiancé."
I turned around to see Adrianna leaning against the door frame.
"Look, I'm so sorry for everything that happened. I never meant to tear your relationship apart. I didn't know that you were still in love with him. I was just happy and lucky that things worked out for me and for once in my life I wasn't devastated or sad. George makes me happy and he helps me get over my fears and issues. I..."
Adrianna snarled, her South American accent coming through stronger than before: "I don't care about your issues and your fears. My life was perfect. I had an amazing man that I loved by my side, my career was never better and I couldn't wish for anything else. Sure, George didn't love me anymore, but we had our fun. In bed definitely, God, he is amazing. You stole my friend, my lover and my fiancé. I had the man I loved for myself. And now I have to stand next to him at events like a idiot knowing. I just hope this experimenting with the lower class is over before it gets public. But as I can imagine, you want to go public, don't you? Parade your celebrity boyfriend around and give your pathetic author career a push, am I right?"
I took a shivering breath as she stared at me through her beautiful brown eyes and even in rage she looked absolutely gorgeous. "I'm not you. I don't want to be public, George does. I know I can't handle the pressure, the red carpets and the paparazzi, I have severe anxiety, making my relationship public and exposing myself to the public like that would probably kill me."
I didn't know where that honesty came from or why I hadn't turned to dust yet, but for some reason I wanted to smooth the waters with Adrianna. But she didn't seem to want the same. She stepped closer to me, the smell of her expensive perfume wafting over to me and I stepped back against the hallway wall, my heart pounding in my chest.
"Listen to me carefully.", she gritted her teeth. "I don't care about your issues or if you drop dead tomorrow. But if my career takes a hit because of your little adventure, I can promise you that..."
"That what?" George came down the hallway and clearly wasn't amused by the scene in front of him. His voice was stone cold.
Adrianna took a step back and smiled at him. "George, darling, how does it feel to go from a Ferrari to a Volkswagen? I can tell that she has neither the looks nor the passion that she would need to be the kind of woman you like. I understand now, why you wouldn't show her to the paparazzi, it would be quite embarrassing for you to be seen with something like that. I reckon, she is a lady in the sheets since she looks like a freak on the street."
My eyes went wide. Her words hit me hard. My breath got stuck in my lungs. What did I do to her?
"Adrianna, shut up. You should be grateful about this situation. Imagine if I had broken up with you when I wanted to a few years ago, where would your career be then?"
George sounded so cold that I shivered but I was mostly speechless from Adrianna's words. She knew exactly how to make me feel like a dirty whore who stole her man and ruined her life. And on top she hit me right where it hurt the most and made me aware of all my insecurities again.
We left the flat in silence, going to the lift where I avoided to look into the mirror.
"Stop that."
I looked at George who had his folders under his arm and leaned against the lift walls. He pushed his hair back with his free hand and watched me carefully.
"You are thinking about what she said, you think she is right. Don't."
We arrived at the car and George put his things on the back seat while I fastened by seatbelt.
Of course I thought she was right. My fingers were shaking and I leaned my head against the cool car window.
George and I didn't fit to each other. I wasn't glamorous or beautiful and I definitely didn't fit into this lifestyle of rich people and luxury. Slowly the anger faded away and I was left with acceptance and sadness.
I didn't react to George, who was now driving through the relatively empty streets of London.
Sighing I looked at George. Suddenly anger against him rose within me. Had he lied to me about Adrianna's feelings?
"Yes, George?" I surprised myself at how mad I sounded.
"You really shouldn't let her words get to you. She is desperate and jealous at the attention you are getting from me. In her case that's a toxic combination." he switched gears and then reached for my hand.
I considered pulling it away, but it seemed childish, so I let my hand rest in his grip and thought about my next words carefully.
"Oh, but I think she is jealous about a lot more. Maybe if you hadn't broken her heart and used her for sex, she wouldn't be as upset. She is still in love with you George, how can you say I should ignore that?"
"Alex, there is no love. She just wants to make you feel guilty, she is a great manipulator. I admit, I did use her for sex because she was always available, but she treated me the same way she did treat you today. If she says that she had been a loving fiancé and I left her out of the blue, then she is lying. Believe me."

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