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The whole night Arjun couldn't sleep at all. He has only one son!! He had his sources in Lucknow like the old worker who called him, still he couldn't stay in peace.

Talking with Anjali over phone couldn't help. He have to do something as soon as possible.

"Arnav, don't worry. You will find a new way. Just be positive. We know her name now. One minute, why don't we search on social media like Facebook or Instagram"- Aman suggested.

He know where, he know but he isn't able to touch the right point now. She will be there for sure, but where! Arnav was tensed a little but sleep took over him as soon as he hit bed. The day was energy sucking.

Aman had no idea. A man was roaming near the window of hotel. He got slight doubt as the man was stealing glances and was caught twice in his eyes(aankh micholi).

Aman checked on Arnav once before running in the man's direction to catch him. He is well aware of situations in Lucknow and was full prepared.

One lane left and the second corner, Aman caught the man's leg from behind and he hit the ground hard scratching his elbow and knee. A little blood come out of the small wound.

"Who are you idiot. If you dare harming Arnav, I will skin you here alive"- Aman is far dangerous then he looks.

"I am keeping an eye on Chhotey malik. I don't want anyone to harm him"- The man spoke," I saw you both with school gate keeper and from then I am reporting Arjun sir".

"Call Arjun uncle. I will talk"-Aman asked the man. He had his phone in hotel room plus he wanted to make sure the man is saying truth.

Arjun received the call at first ring. He must not be feeling sleepy is clear.

"We are fine and returning tomorrow. Arnav is fine. Aap so jaiye"- Aman assured Arjun.

"With you he will be fine. I know that. We will talk tomorrow, face to face"- Arjun was a little relieved by now.

Ratna was alert. What is happening actually? Arjun is awake at three in the morning! It can't be office work.

Khushi was up at her usual time to take a bath and get ready for the day.
She has spotted a library in the city near to her place. She will visit it today.

Payal will drop her on way to her office.

Khushi checked her new plan, her time table.

She will attain college from 8:15 AM to 2 PM daily except for Sundays and other holidays.

It will take half an hour to reach home by auto. Then she will have to make a note on every subject. By four she have to visit library and read random necessary books till six.

After six she have to reach her home and help Garima amma prepare dinner. She is a guest and it doesn't look nice sitting idle without helping in house whole works. From house works she remembers, she have to give time for Sashi baba. She can't stay in their house free if they aren't saying anything. Baba is working hard and she will help him on his sweetshop in the morning in rolling laddoos and frying jalebis, curving Balusaahi and cutting burfi.

She will gave to get early up in the morning to write her blogs. Generally in morning, mind remains cool. It will help. She has a tight schedule, even tighter then Donald Trump.

Khushi was making lists of her daiy activities sitting on back side of Payal during their journey on scooty.

If anytime, a minute is spared, she will use it in her books.

"Khushi! Will you get down?? Latw hone se hitler boss(not ASR) danta hai baba!"- Payal mentioned.

"Bye. Love you Jiji"- Khushi quickly hugged Payal and entered the library. She have to take a membership card.

"Aman! What happened so suddenly. Why are you making a face man?"- ASR asked. From morning onwards Aman is grumpy.

They were returning back on a chopper. Gone is the last time excitement when they were coming to Lucknow. No roadside scenes but white clouds on blue sky canvas!

One and a half hour journey and they are in Delhi.

"What is happening behind our back Chhotey??"- his father's voice brought him back from imagination land.

"Its nothing"- Arnav replied. What is the supreme availed profit is dad comes to know about Khushi! Nothing! He will make fun of his son and then the news will spread like a wild fire in his family. Result, everyone will tease him to prefer death!

"Lets move home. Your mom is waiting!"- Arjun patted Arnav to ease things down. But his look at Aman told very different story.

"I never know you are maintaining a dairy. It was surprising finding out. I am still angry at you Chhotey. The way you visit Lucknow without telling me is unforgivable but don't tell about this to your mom. Ladies and panic were made in a single company!- Arjun spoke while driving.

Aman giggled but Arnav didn't knew how to react. He was near to success and that Aman dragged him back!

Other things were normal. No one asked anything was a great relief for both the friends. But for how long!

"Khushi Gupta"-Aman typed on Facebook find a friend page.

It wasn't any unique name as Arnav Singh Raizada to display one result. Results were many and he had no idea which profile is the one of the butterfly.

His insta page was resultless. Not this way. Its not working.

Arjun was reading the dairy. It was few broken sentences that gave him no meaning. This Arnav, his son Arnav is a deep sea, unreachable.

"Nannav! Mere bhai. I so missed you"- Nk jumped over his cousin to hug him. Are hugs new style of murdering someone from chocking breath!

"Nk my bro. I to am here"- Aman saved Arnav from making another what the face and NK from a free round of scold.

"Where were you??"- Arnav asked raising an brow.

"Oh me. I find my friends so I followed them but suddenly I lost track of their way. I am so hungry!"- nk munched on his chips.

Finding his arrogant glance as an excuse ASR marched to his room skipping and hopping on the steps.

His room was closed from two days. An aroma of sweet roses hit his nose with deliciously tangled white mogra. It must be HP, the house help uncle who is keen on calling him Arnav Bhaiyya as if he were elder to HP.

Aman entered after five minutes.

"For no mistake of her, Khushi is send somewhere else( that others have no idea is actually meaning of Agnyatavasa) Poor girl must have cried a lot"- Arnav chocked opening his plastic geometry box from the pullout drawer and traced fingers through a small chit.

Her last note for him that said butterfly never stays idle at a single garden, yours too is flying away!

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