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If you've picked up this book, there's a good chance that you've either moved out on your own for the first time, or you're about to. Or you saw the super sweet cover and went, "god, I need that in my life." In which case, yes, my cover is super sweet- thank you.

Don't know how to budget? Homesick without a home? Jobs won't call you back- and really, what ARE resumes? In this book, I'll be explaining how to maintain a quality of life when you're struggling to just scrape the bottom of the barrel. When I first moved out, I didn't really have a lot of resources. My family life has always been hectic, and at times, nonexistent. As a result, I didn't know how to survive on my own- and I really wish I'd have had a book like this one. Because of that, I'm writing it. I'd like to teach others not only how to navigate the rapids of life, but also that you aren't alone. People get dealt bad hands of cards, but it really does boil down to learning how to play poker well despite that.

Because this is a self-help guide of sorts, you're more than welcome to skip around! In fact, it's encouraged. Every situation is different, and the solutions are just as different for each one. Admittedly, most of this information will be generalized- however, I still hope you'll be able to gain some useful skills (and perhaps a personal revelation or two) along the way. Welcome to adulthood- all aboard! 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2019 ⏰

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