Chapter 1

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Aizawa's POV

It has been ten whole years since that day at Asuka's hero agency. It was such a surprise that none of her sidekicks knew what to do at all. I was just relieved that I was there to take control of the situation. If I didn't lord knows what would of happen to those poor kids. Though I remember it like it happened just yesterday.


Two little girls stumbled into the agency one was on the brink of passing out while the other one was already out cold. "Someone please help my sister." Right after she said that she passed out. I immediately ran over and checked if they were alive or not. Thankfully they were alive, then I looked up to see Asuka's lazy ass sidekicks just standing around with their mouths open. They looked like they were trying to catch flies. They looked absolutely ridiculous if this was a different circumstance I would laugh, but this is a life or death circumstance. "Don't just stand there. Someone call an ambulance... NOW!" I commanded. All the sidekicks said a quick 'yes sir' and ran in all different directions. (A/n  kind a like that scene in Ratatouille.) "Eraserhead what in the world is going on here." Asuka said in a panic. I looked up to see two of my closest friends. Asuka a.k.a The Sky Hero: Astraea and Haruto a.k.a The Winged Hero: Silver Hawk. "I have no idea. These two kids walked in and then passed out." One of their sidekicks said. "Well that's not one hundred percent correct. This one here carried what I'm assuming is her sister who was out cold, and then she said 'someone please help my sister' then passed out." I explained to them. They looked down at the two girls with pity and sadness trapped in their eyes. I looked down at the two angels. They were literally angels. Both of them had wings all though one had or dyed her wings red, but not any shade of red... blood red. I touch one of her wings. It was not dry like I expected. I it was wet with the sticky substance that I couldn't put my finger on. It kind of felt like blood. I feel my stomach drop, but when I polled my hand away. My hand was coated in her blood. I quickly flipped her on to her stomach, and sure enough there was a pretty deep gash down the metal of her back. "*gasp* Wh-who would d-do such a thing t-to a child." Asuka said with tears streaming down her face. I was mortified the cut was very deep it would definitely scare. 'I want to find whoever did this, and throw them in jell.' I was beyond pissed off. I was furious. I was balling my hand into a fist. "Sir the ambulance is a mantua a... way... oh my." The sidekick ended with a hand over his mouth. The wells of the ambulance was getting closer with every passing second. The ambulance arrived, and took the two children away to the Hospital. When the ambulance took them away I only had questions in my head. 'Why was those kids in the city alone no less, and who are they anyway?'

(A week after)

I entered one of the twin's hospital room. The beeping of the heart monitor, the whoosh of the breathing apparatus, and all the ether medical equipment was the only sounds in the room at the time. 'Who are you?' I heard a voice speak. "Who's there?" I whipped my head around looking for the person who The voice belong to. 'Don't worry I can't hurt you.' I was confuse. 'What does the voice mean by that?' I question myself. 'What I mean by that is... I can't move at all, so you don't have to be afraid of little ol' me.' My eyes widened. 'So you are in my head?' I heard a childish giggle, but it wasn't filled with malicious intent. Instead it was filled with childish joy. 'Oh you silly. I'm not a voice in your head. Instead I'm lying on the bed.' My eyes snapped towards the little girl on the hospital bed. 'Yes that is me. Have any questions?' I walked over the bedside, and sat down on a chair. 'What is your name?' 'Akaguro Hestia.' Why are you in a coma?' 'It's my quirk's drawback.' 'What is your quirk?' 'It's name is Angelic Vampire.' 'What does your quirk do exactly?' 'Well it's complicated... so do you really want to hear about it?' 'Yes please continue.' 'Okay... so my quirk allows me to paralyze people on the spot by ingesting their blood. I know pretty disgusting, but that's just a third of what my quirk can do.' 'Why don't tell me the other two thirds of your quirk?' 'Because I don't trust you yet.' 'Okay... what do I have to do to earn your trust?' 'Close your eyes, and take down your mental barriers.' I close my eyes, and relaxed. After a while of waiting Hestia spoke up again. 'I can trust you with everything.' Then she proceeds to tell me about her quirk, her past, and a friend name peppermint hair.

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