Cut the crap...

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~ M A R S POV ~

We all made our way out of the courtyard and into the kitchen which we had underground it's hard to explain.. 

"Whats the date the exact date?" Asks five

"The 24th" Answers Allison 

"Of what?" Five strikes back 


"Good" Answers Five as he warps to get peanut-butter and marshmallows. 

The setup was Klaus on the counter, Luther, Vanya, Diego all sitting down in chairs around the table. Yet last but not least me sitting on top of the fridge, that's always been my little 'spot' anyone goes there I kill them, not literally though.  

"Want a sandwich?" Five asks up to me. 

"Eh why the hell not." I say as I jump down from the fridge.

"I should've listened to the old man, ya know traveling through space is one thing, jumping through time is a toss of the dice." I heard Five say as he handed me my sandwich. 

I jogged upstairs and got ready for this 'service' it was a stupid idea, and if i'm being honest I really hated this idea and wanted nothing to do with it. Of course I was happy Five was back, but I do have some major questions for him. That was the last of my worries, I needed to get dressed. I decided on my signature outfit knee-high black socks folded at the tops, our academy's blazer and a plaid dress. I was wearing it earlier it just needed to be cleaned up a bit. 


We all soon headed outside, damn was it somber, it was cold and rainy. I stood under Fives umbrella and Klaus nearby because he claimed 'he didn't want me to get hurt' he actually made me stand by the bench he was lying on. Five soon heard Klaus and I bickering, and put it to a stop. Pogo made it outside, and there for the ceremony started.  I soon took a look at our dead brothers statue, Ben. Ben and I never really talked, only on missions sometimes. It's not that we didn't like each other it was just we never had anything to talk about, or the time to talk about anything. 

Luther poured out the ashes. "Wouldn't of been better with some wind." He said in almost a whisper. 

"Does anyone wish to speak?" asked Pogo...dead silence... 

Five and I looked at each other and he smiled a bit which made me smile back. 

"Very all regards Sr. Reginald Hargreeves made me what I am today but forever I shall be in his dead, he was my master and my friend and I shall miss him very much...he leaves behind a complicated leg-" But of course Diego had to bud in.

"He was a monster." Diego soon said

Klaus got a laugh out of that one.

"He was a bad person, and a worse father."

"Diego chill out." I sputtered out 

"No ya know what, Mars you should be on my side for once. For god sake's he put you in the chamber cause he didn't believe you half the time. Ohhh and not to mention he also  gave you that medication to keep you in your thirteen year old bo~" 

"Don't talk to her like that." Five spoke out 

That hurt, a lot I guess it is true, father did hate me and did keep me in  this body.

Luther then came in and stared talking while I zoned out, like always. I soon realized Diego was throwing knifes and one hit Luther right in the arm, I also noticed Five was gone and Klaus was cheering on the fight. I soon made it inside and went into my room. To be yet greeted by the one and only Five... 

"Five leave me alone." I asked politely, as I took a seat on my bed next to Five.

" WOW after what 17 years you talk to me once and don't even miss your old pal." He asked with a hint of sarcasm 

"Five ya know you left us without even a goodbye, you know how much that hurt to see a best friend to leave like that, out of the blue. I hated you for that everyday of my hell life. Oh and now you're back, whats going to happen now five honestly..."  I asked with tears almost poring out of my icy blue eyes. 

"Look im sorry if there were a way I could've talked to you I would do it for the world, but I couldn't and i'm sorry..." 

I quickly pulled him in to a side hug. He quickly gave in as-well. 

"Ya know I really missed you." He said 

"Mhm" I mumbled, into his blazer.

After awhile we must've fallen asleep because I heard giggling, and opened my eyes to see all the siblings in my door way, I also noticed a pair of arms around my waist. Yet again to see Five... 


And boom second chapter done thanks for reading if ya did ~ Morgan 

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