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ᗩᑌTO' O:
Y/n opened the door to her house shutting the door and throwing her backpack to the corner of the room.
Y/n sighed. "I hate college...!" She gripped. A buzzing sound interrupted her. "Oh! A new chat room!" Y/n sat down on her couch. Everything was going smoothly, she was going for Zen's route, until it was her turn to answer, she could type the response."eh? Is this a new update? I don't remember updating this..." She typed her response anyways. The chat ended.
Y/' O:
I shut off my phone. "I need to get something to eat..." I am a college student, so I practically live off of take out. "Hmm... Taco bell it is." I grab my jacket and my other necessities before walking out of the house and locked the door. We had a food court in the campus, I live not to far from the campus,walking distance, walking towards the campus I hum my favorite song.  "Y/n!" I glance over to see my friend Rose, she and I planned to go to the same college, so we did. "Sup." Rose rolled her eyes in a joking way. " You forgot your textbook on your desk "Rose said handing me a large textbook , I stagger a bit. "Are you heading towards the food court?" Rose questions. I nod, " want to come with me?"  Rose nods. "Ya! In fact, I was just heading that way when I saw you and remembered about the textbook." I smile as I continue to walk to the food court. "We are here!" Rose exclaims. causing a few people to glance at us. "Well, I know what I want, meet me here once you get your food." I said. She nods and walks off, I do the same and head to taco bell. "Hello! What may I get for you today?" The person asks. U-um...(Order of what ever you want)" "coming right up! That will be 4.78$" I nod and grab the money needed and handed it to the person. I wait for a few minutes. " Order for Y/n!?" The person shouts i thank them and grabbed my food. I glance to the spot where Rose and I were to meet at, Rose was already there. No surprise that she got sushi. I concerned that's  like all she eats. " There you are!" Rose exclaims taking my wrist,"lets find a place to sit!" We found a spot that was not to crowded, but didn't have a over bearing amount of people. The table fell into silence, just the sound of chattering in the background. "So, how's Zen's Route?" Rose asks breaking the silence. "Great! I just discovered something new..." Rose tilts her head." I could type my responses. I-I thought it was an update... But..." Rose's eyes widened."that's not an update." "What do you mean...?" Rose hesitated."I think that it isn't... I have the newest update and it's still the same." I coughed, chocking on my food in surprise. 'Bzzt' I glance at my phone, "a new chatroom available!" I read. 'Should I?' I thought to myself.

S⃗i⃗l⃗v⃗e⃗r⃗ L⃗i⃗n⃗i⃗n⃗g⃗ (Zen x reader)Where stories live. Discover now