Chapter Nineteen - [Demons are the ones to wake me up , not anymore ]

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Being depressed is a normal routine for the green haired boy , every morning he woke up feeling fingers of sadness greeting him instead of his alphas , strangling him with pure evil bringing him down whenever he's in a good mood . Surely this always satisfy the demon laughing and mocking the boy saying how weak he became , it's quite sad . Yet , it's normal .

Usually his mother would be by his side comforting while singing a sweet tone that he always listen before he drifted off . Or his father who played with his hair whenever he gets nightmares , staying him until he's more comfortable. Usually when they both couldn't sleep they stay up walking to the nearest market grab some munchies before heading back and watch funny cat videos . That always made him smile whenever Aizawa laugh at the silly cats , to be honest watching Aizawa laugh is more satisfying than the cat videos .

No one ever saw that side of him besides him , that's all . But now they're all in the memories .

His mother is up in the sky watching over him probably thinking how much tears his mother will shed knowing her beloved angel is doing so well and being safe as possible away from the cruel world . Sometimes he is kinda thankful that his mother died , so she doesn't need to suffer much longer from this world that supposedly heroes fight off evil .

Aizawa have to focus on getting his own mate before his health gets worse , he can't stay at Shouta's place for the rest of his life , he needs to go out and live  with his mates . As much he wants to stay with his father , he got no choice .

Izuku sat up from the bed smelling fresh pancakes , he rubbed his eyes trying to stay awake before heading the door swung open , his eyes stared at the person by the door holding a tray of food .

"Good Morning Izuku " Shouto spoke in a happy tone despite the fact his face remained monotonous but if you stare at his eyes you can see excitement of seeing his omega awake was enough to tell .

Izuku smiles lightly greeting the male back , Shouto placed the tray on Izuku's lap kissing his forehead . His eyes then narrowed to worried .

"Don't worry about getting up and doing chores , me and Bakugou already did it for you . You need to relax..."

"You shouldn't do that Shouto , that's my job to do as an omega ! "

Shouto places his finger on his lap showing him a small smile "Just because you're a omega doesn't mean you have to do everything, we're mates now and we want to clean and cook it'll be boring and take forever when it's just you.." he said .

Izuku looked down thinking about what he said and sigh knowing she can't talk those too out of it . He let out a smile and agreed "you are right...but if you two are away I am doing the cooking and cleaning "

"Yes , Yes , Yes I understand now eat before Bakugou comes up and starts yelling at both of us "

Midoriya nodded before eating his breakfast enjoying the company until his other alpha stormed in the room holding two plates of breakfast throwing one at Shouto which Shouto threw the plate back at him and then the whole WWE match started in his bedroom . Izuku laughed the entire time enjoying the view he's seeing really not minding the boys throwing food at each other like little kids .

Today is a good morning for him , he didn't wake up feeling down or sadness .

Today's the day which the demons didn't wake him up , he finally woke up at the reasoning to live , to have purpose in life . He thanked his mother for helping him along the way .

He can finally show his real smile .

Even though he knows the demons will come back , he decided not to worry . Because the people that love him will keep him smiling .

The demon isn't there to bother him anymore.

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