Nobody Dies-One More Lives

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Whizzer woke up to the smell of Marvin's shampoo, smiling a little bit to himself, he tried to cuddle in further but everything felt hot. He was roasting. His hair was damp with sweat and he sat up cautiously, careful not to disturb the man next to him. He wasn't too worried, Marvin slept like a bear in winter. He sat up in the bed taking a few deep breaths and swallowing. He gagged a little and took another shaky breath.

Whizzer carefully got out of bed and speed walked to the bathroom which was, thankfully, on the other end of the apartment. He sat on the edge of the bath, eyes waning and waxing. This had happened a few times this week, he was typically able to get through the nausea without actually throwing up. Now, unfortunately, that wasn't the case. He took a few more deep breaths before he began to clutch the bowl, throwing up whatever it was they had for dinner last night. Ugh god maybe it was the Bar Mitzvah food samples. That's probably why. It couldn't be...

Whizzer swallowed hard, panting after he finished and stood up shakily. No... he couldn't... he'd heard whispers and rumors and suddenly his friends stopped showing up to the bar, the store- no! No it was fine. He looked at himself in the mirror, he was paler, but he just threw up. Whizzer reasoned himself calm and brushed his teeth, flushing the toilet and looking at the clock in the kitchen. 6 am. Marvin would be up soon, damn him and his biological dad-clock. He might as well stay up.

He stayed in the bathroom a little while longer, making sure he wasn't that sick anymore. Dammit, he couldn't get the flu right now, he had already booked the racquetball court at the YMCA for this afternoon... Whizzer knew Marvin always got kind of disappointed when they had to cancel. Ugh. He'd suffer through it. He chugged a glass of water in the kitchen, shuffling to the couch with some tea and a book, trying to calm down and not get paranoid.

When Marvin woke up to a lover-less bed he figured he was in the shower already. Bastard always wanted more time for his morning routine. He got on his basic slacks and dress shirt for work, then walked to the kitchen and turned to find a half naked Whizzer on the couch, an open book laying on his chest, fast asleep. The shorter man raised a worried eyebrow, walking over and pecking his cheek.

Whizzer startled awake, looking around and then finally up at Marvin. "Oh, hi baby. Morning." "...Morning. Why are you on the couch?" "I woke up too early and then I tried to stay awake and... I didn't." He shrugged, tastefully omitting the reason he was awoken. If how Marvin acted when Jason got the flu that one time was any indication, he did not want Marvin to know he was sick. He could hardly handle his regular hovering.

"Okay... what do you want for breakfast?" He swallowed and scratched the back of his neck. "Maybe just some toast." Yeah, that'll settle his stomach just fine. "You sure? We have racquetball this afternoon, might want to carb up." "I'm fine, just some toast please." He said, standing up and pecking his cheek, leaving to get changed.


Jesus Christ was Marvin suddenly good or did he suddenly suck? He hadn't been this worn out in awhile. His eyes kept kind of falling closed and he was tripping over his own feet. "Bastard..." he grumbled, leaning against the white wall and catching his breath. "Aw come on, be a decent loser." Whizzer glared at him and stumbled forward. "I'm ready to go again.." he mumbled, and the world kind of tilted to the left and he fell onto the floor.

Marvin sprinted towards him and cupped his head in his hands, worriedly mumbling sweet nothings and helping him out of the building into the car. The taller man leaned on him all the way out, eyelids fluttering. Marvin gulped and maybe broke a few traffic laws while getting to the hospital, rushing him in.


Whizzed was laid out on the bed, alone in the room with Charlotte who regrettably stated the policy of "family only" to Marvin. She made him drink some water and eat a few crackers and soon he was feeling better. "It seems like a stomach bug. Your heart rate and breathing is fine, but let me take some blood okay?" Whizzer nodded softly and extended his arm.

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