She's Got Me Smiling

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Malcolm walked away smiling, as Destiny's friends started freaking out, and giggling. What could he say, he really liked her. He hasn't smiled that way because of a girl for so long.

He greeted more fans, said hello, took photos, listened to them say how much they loved him, but the only face he saw was Destiny's.

Almost ten more minutes passed by, until Mal finished up greeting the fans. He started towards Destiny and ushered her towards the bus.

Destiny's friends gave her the okay, and the girls outside were showing obvious signs of disgust. Destiny didn't care.

"Your friends okay?" Mal asked her.

"Yes." She couldn't stop smiling. "Yes," she repeated, "yeah, they're fine." She let out a giggle.

"How old are you?" Malcolm got tense for a second.

"Oh, wow. Now you ask me. Wow. Way to go, Mal." Destiny laughed at him.

A concerned look was plastered on his face.

Destiny looked up at Mal's face, "I'm joking! Why so serious?" Destiny couldn't help but laugh. "I'm 18. There's nothing to worry about. I'm legal." She playfully shoved him.

His toothy smile came back. "You're cute."

Destiny felt the heat flush into her cheeks. Malcolm Kelley just said that she was cute. What.

Malcolm opened the door to the tour bus, and stepped up to the floor, and was greeted by a familiar voice, "Hey man! How wa -" Tony trailed off when he saw the girl behind Malcolm. "Duuude, you waste no time." Tony laughed.

"Shut up, man."

"I kid, I kid!" He playfully hit Mal, then turned to the girl. "Hey love, what's your name?" Tony asked.

"Destiny." She wasn't sure how she wasn't freaking out right now.

"What a pretty name." he walked over to her to give her a hug.

"Can I have a picture?" She politely asked.

"Of course." Tony smiled as she took a selfie of both of them.

"Alright, I best be getting out there. It was lovely meeting you." he said and walked past them to exit the bus.

As soon as the door shut, Mal sat down on the leather couch. Destiny sat next to him. As much as Destiny loved Mal, she surprisingly felt relaxed and not at all anxious like she always was around any guy. Mal just made her feel good. "Your bus is huge!" she said looking around.

"T always says it looks like a therapist's office."

Destiny laughed, "I don't get that vibe. It looks like a place to just chill."

Mal laughed, "Funny you say that, we actually call this place the 'Chill Zone.'"

"Really?" Destiny just laughed at everything he said. Why did she feel so chill with him? They literally met like an hour ago. She continued to look around the bus and happened to glance up. "Is that a Playstation I see?"

"Why yes it is. You play?" If there was one thing he loved more than girls, it would be video games, and a girl who plays video games? Can you say dream girl?

"You got Call of Duty?" Destiny asked.

"Well duh." Mal said lowering his head so she could read his favorite hat.

"You're such a dork." She said hitting him. "So you ready to be beat by a girl?"

"Oh hell nah." Mal smiled and got up to set it up.


I love hearing all your comments so don't be shy! Hit me up on Twitter and don't forget to vote for this story! Love you all for reading!


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