Chapter 2

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   Today was our anniversary... she was on her way over when it happened...


   I woke up and went into the kitchen. Fluffy was lying on my counter, asleep. I made some tea and sat on my bed because I couldn't fall asleep last night. I was to excited, today is Ari and I's anniversary of meeting. I couldn't think of what to get her so I stayed up all night trying to think of something. I finally decided on this adorable picture that says, "I'm amazed when I see you. Not just because of your looks, but because of the fact that everything I've ever wanted is right in front of me." It arrived around 8 this morning which was about an hour after I woke up. 

   I wrapped the picture up and set it on my coffee table. Ari said she wouldn't be over until later because she had to work tonight. So, I had about nine hours to burn. I started watching anime and got through about two seasons of an anime, when I got hungry. I looked at the clock, 10:32, still so long. I went into the kitchen and made some noodles because why not. I went and ate them in the living room while watching The Walking Dead. I watched a couple episodes which burned about two hours... which meant 7 more to wait. I went and started drawing and doing some studying. I did this for about an hour then I went and got more food. 

   I watched some TV not really paying attention to it. I was playing with Fluffy using a laser pointer. I got bored really quick so I went and took a nap. when I woke up it was around 6:45, so I went and took a shower and got ready. When I was done it was getting close to 7. I went and turned on the news like I always do at night and saw that there was a car crash...

   "There was one person who was killed and she seemed like she was on her way to a very important event." the news reporter announced. "Her name was Ariannah..." All of the words slurred and my vision went out. It was like someone locked me somewhere and no matter what I did I couldn't escape... "Today was our anniversary though... she was on her way over when she crashed..." I kept telling myself it was my fault and she wouldn't have died if she hadn't met me. I just kept hearing people's voices telling me that I was a mistake and it was my fault. "It was my fault..." I repeated...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2019 ⏰

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