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Widow's P.O.V


"I can't Brittney!! "

"One way or another,  Harry Styles is gonna have to go. Either you do it, or I do." she says, walking out of the agency.

Either I kill him, or Brittney is gonna have to kill me and Harry. I have to. I have to be the one to kill him.


"Honey, I'm home!!" I hear Harry calls as he walks into my Apartment.

He makes his way around the corner and stops in his tracks.

"What's all this babe?" he asks looking to the dinner I set out for him.

"It's dinner baby, I decided to make it for you. You'll never know, this could be your last  meal." It is your last meal. I say, getting up from my chair walking over to him, slinging my arms around his neck.

"Well, if it was my last meal, I'M glad I get to spend it with the love of my life." he said, wrapping his arms around my waist.

I can't kill him. I just can't!

"I love you too. Let's go, time to eat" I say dragging him to the table by his hands. Once He's seated,  I take a seat.

"It looks delicious! " he exclaimed putting his napkin on his lap.

"Hopefully it tastes good too. I spent hours preparing just steak,  mash potatoes , and green beans!!" I exclaimed, looking at him.

I don't touch my food, what the use? I watch as Harry pick up his fork and knife and dig in. I silently wait for Harry to take one bite of the steak. I put this powder in it to knock him out for a couple hours.

He puts a piece of steak in his mouth and starts to chew. He looks at me and smiles.

"It's delicious.!" he exclaimed. "Why aren't you eating? " he asked, popping another piece of steak in his mouth.

"I'M waiting." I said

He looks at me,  tilting his head to the side.

"Waiting for what?" he asks.

"In three, two, one" I countdown then see the knife and fork fall from Harry's hand as he fall from his chair, unconscious.


Harry's P.O.V

I wake up and slowly hear breathing. Is that my own. ? I then slowly open my eyes to be met face to face with Widow.

"Babe, where am I?" I ask moving. I feel my arms strain against something. I look down and see handcuffs on my wrists. What the hell is going on?

"You know, I'M really gonna miss you Harry." she said, sniffling

"Why? I'M not going anywhere. Why am I in handcuffs?" I ask looking at Widow. I finally see her eyes, regret and sorrow.

"Harry, remember when I told you what my Job was?" she asked.

"Yeah, you said you worked with the law enforcement. " I said frowning.

"Well, technically no, I work for a Company called, AA.  Agency of Assassins.  My Job is to kill whoever I have to." she said lowly.

Agency of Assassins.? My girlfriend was a killer?

"Okay, so Why am I tied up?" I asked. "It's not like you're supposed to kill m--" I stop.

She looks at me, tears streaming down her face.

"You're supposed to kill me." I whisper.

She nods her head.

"Why?" I asked . It 's all I can ask, I'M so shocked.

"Harry, I was always supposed to kill you, but instead I fell for you. I'M so sorry." she said.

"Why not let me go?" I ask,  fighting my restraints.

"Harry, this is the web you weaved. I just do a Job, you have to figure out Why someone wants you dead." she said.

"If you let me  I will go and figure it out!!  I will go into hiding and you will never see me again,!! Just.... let me go." I plead, tears rolling on my cheeks.

"How do I know you won't just try and kill me if I let you go?" she asked.

"You even said it, you love me. I would never hurt the one I love." I said, looking into her eyes.

She sat and looked at me like she was debating on letting me go. She then walked over to me and took my restraints off. I stood up and hugged her.

"Look Harry, go straight into hiding, there is money in our  safe. Stay out of trouble. Change your name and move to America. Stay there. No trips to see your mum." she said,  giving me keys to the house, pushing me to the exit.

"If they find out  I didn't kill you, I will die.I'M sooo sorry you have to go through this."

I turn and kiss her on her forehead.

"It's fine love, I love you" I say before I'M pushed out of the exit and running off. Away from the love of my life.

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