Chapter 3

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Yoongi rolled over into the warm embrace of his soulmate. Last night had been their first dream of one of their past lives, so they felt closer than they had yesterday and their Red String of Fate was no longer chaining them together.

Sleepy brown eyes opened to see a disheveled mop of red-orange hair and then the peaceful sleeping face of Hoseok, showing its first signs of waking up. Hoseok's eyes opened and he smiled at Yoongi before leaning in to leave a peck on his lips which was accompanied by a smile and him snugging closer to the smaller boy.

Their cute morning cuddling was ruined by someone with purply-black hair coming into the room. The intruder stopped dead in his tracks, confused, before a wicked smile spread across his face as he scampered out of the room. Several moments later a black haired man stormed into Hoseok's room, fuming and immediately started shouting at said boy.

"I thought you were better than this Hoseok, bringing someone home and sleeping with them when they aren't your soulmate! Absolutely shameless!"

"Whoever said I'm not Hoseok's soulmate?" Yoongi questioned grouchily, angry at having his cuddle time with his soulmate ruined.

The intruder just looked shocked, opening and closing his mouth a few times -looking like a fish- before a gigantic blush took over his face and apologized profusely before saying something about killing Jungkook, but Yoongi was too sleepy to care.

The two soulmates soon fell asleep again, feeling warm, both either forgetting about classes or not caring that they would miss them.

-Following Taehyung-

Taehyung woke to a tuft of fluffy light pink hair tickling his nose. Oh yeah, Yoongi didn't come back last night, so Jimin decided to sleep in my bed. Taehyung felt blindly for his phone on his nightstand. When he felt it he turned it on and sent a text message to Yoongi, asking if he okay and whether of not he was going to classes that day.

Taehyung sent back that Jimin and him were already getting ready for class, and that they didn't want to intrude on his time with his soulmate

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Taehyung sent back that Jimin and him were already getting ready for class, and that they didn't want to intrude on his time with his soulmate.

Only half of what he told Yoongi was true, but Jimin and him weren't going to go to class, they were going out again to search for their soulmates… Or at least Taehyung was. Last night Jimin had stayed out later than Taehyung had, so he would probably want to rest today.

Sleepy brown eyes opened and the owner stretched before getting up and walking to the bathroom and disappearing.

"Do you want to go search for your soulmate today or do you want to take a break?" Taehyung called after Jimin.

Jimin didn't answer, but came back a few minutes later and collapsed onto Yoongi's bed. Taehyung giggled a little at Jimin's show of how overly exhausted he was.

"Alright, rest well. I'll be back later, probably." Taehyung called over his shoulder, as he headed out on his quest to find his soulmate, after all his Red String of Fate was a bit more pronounced today.

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