I dont want to fight

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I see fire balls hit flowey. I start to get scared because I'm afraid I will get hit by the Fireballs to.

" Oh my my child are you hurt? Do not be afraid. I am Toriel. Keeper of the ruins. My child what is your name?"

I try to speak but it is so hard because I am lost for words. Toriel she seems to be a half goat half human thing but like she's not human she just walks on two legs and speaks English. Eventually I stutter.

"My... my name is Frisk." I mumble barely audible.

Then Toriel says,
"Oh my child you seem to be hurt. Please come with me and I can heal you."

I just now realized the gigantic gash on my head. I start to think that I really don't have any other choice so I decide if she wants me to come I'll come.

She holds out her hand for me so I can stand up.

I accept her gratitude and accept the fact that I'm going to need her help in the long run. She seems to be trustworthy and really nice because she hasn't tried to kill me yet, unlike other things.

We walk through a tunnel and then some doors and then Toriel starts speaking again.

" these my child are the ruins. The ruins are filled with many puzzles and traps. Fail a puzzle and you will be hurt either not so bad very bad. It's your choice and you have to make strategic decisions to continue on."

We go through another door and we arrive at a bed of flowers. Then toriel says that this is a puzzle. She explains that if I don't take the right path across the flower bed, the consequences will be held.

Not understanding why she speaking in basically riddles I decide to just walk across the flowers. That was a very bad mistake on my part.

I can't believe I was so stupid just to walk on the flowers. Toriel said that there was going to be riddles! Can't believe I didn't think of that. I knew that there should have been a riddle somewhere! Those levers behind the pillars weren't even riddles!

So me being me I just walked onto the flowers not thinking. And then the flower bed fell through. As I was falling through the flowers, I grabbed the side of the flowers that didn't fall. Below I saw a bunch of spikes! And I couldn't call back up. So I decided to look down never do that by the way. I saw that the spikes we're in an design. And then the flowers broke. I fell onto the spikes. As I was falling, I was thinking I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm so dead.

And and toriel just up there she didn't even help me! Ugh.

Then as I hit the spikes below me, I blacked out.

Then I woke up. I was so scared because I remember spikes going through my chest. I remember the wound in my heart. And then toriel walks up. And it's weird.

"Oh my my child are you hurt? Do not be afraid. I am Toriel. Keeper of the ruins. My child what is your name?"

She just said the same thing as before, like I came back to life? I was so confused I just ran the flower bed where I died before. It took a bit to get there because me and my bad memory, but I got there eventually. And somehow toriel was already there!

Remembering from before that some of the flower beds will break and I will die again, I remember the pattern on the floor where the spikes were. They were in like a zigzag type thing it's hard to explain. So remembering that I look at the floor where the flower beds are. Remembering where the spaces were in the floor below, I go over where the spaces are. And I don't die I get all the way across.

And then toriel just gets up and walks over like nothing happened. A few hours later after a few more challenges, we end up at her house. She asked me if I want to go in and I say yes. I wasn't sure what to think at first, but I really like this house. But not enough to not go back to my family back in my home Village. So she shows me around the house, and then she shows me to my room. I decided that while she was going to my room thinking she was leading me, I was going to go see what those mysterious stairs were that just seemed to go down forever.

I walk down the steps into a purple hallway. As I keep walking the hallway seems just to get longer and longer it's weird. And then toriel just runs down the steps and block me from going any further.

" Go up to your room child, NOW!"

Then she ran off through the tunnels. I want to get out of here and I feel like this is the exit to the ruins as she said. So I decided to follow her every time I caught up there she kept telling me the same thing. Go up to your room my child. Eventually she stops at a door. I asked her what she's doing.

" I am destroying the exit to the ruins. I will not let you leave. Asgore will kill you like you kill the rest of them. Those children that I had gotten connected to in a way, he just slaughtered for their souls. Is cruel don't you think?"

" But I want to go home to my real family!" I scream.

" My child. I cannot stop your decisions. But if you want to leave the ruins, then you must fight me!"

Then a heart came out of my chest but it wasn't my heart. It was like when I was fighting flowey. As he said it is my soul. As it came out black box appeared And I was in it. I was about to fight the person who took me in and healed me.

I was about to fight Toriel.

Okay so you don't know how long this took to write and it is so crazy and this might actually be the longest chapter in this book. I'm going to decide to do a word count at the end of the chapters. You don't know how happy I am to get this done. I have been working on it for so long. And haven't gotten the chance to write much since I have archery this weekend and next weekend. And of course for archery next weekend is our state tournament. That is where we shoot against the whole state. So yeah really excited. Well that's all the Ramblin I have to do now.

Square out!

Word count- 1161

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