t w e n t y-t w o - doesn't bother me one bit

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these are the days,
it never rains but it p o u r s . . .


Sure enough, at 7:45 on the dot just like he said, Owen came knocking on our door. Fortunately, Brody and I were ready – physically, not mentally. All of our things were packed and we were dressed, but the thought of going back to our daily lives in boring old Maryland made us reluctant to leave. Except we didn't have much of a choice because with Owen in charge, we were leaving whether we wanted to or not.

The three of us jammed ourselves into the elevator with our bags, along with three other people. I was afraid it would plummet to the first floor from all the weight of our bodies and baggage, but thankfully we made it eight floors down safely.

"Wait here. I have to check out and make sure we're good to go," Owen ordered when we got into the lobby, shooting a quick glance between Brody and I. We gave him a mock salute before he whirled around on his heel and stalked over to the line for the front desk.

Brody turned to me with a sleepy smile, one hand holding up his board while the other reached for my waist. "You know, I-"


A voice I pegged as Marina's echoed across the lobby, causing Brody's sentence to stop short. The brunette bombshell bounded over to us with a grin. "Were you really going to leave without saying goodbye to me?" She screeched in disbelief, her mouth agape.

"Of course not," Brody chuckled and turned to her.

"Yeah, okay," she scoffed, rolling her eyes. I watched them with a flat smile stretched across my lips, Marina circling her long arms around Brody and swaying him back and forth. They briefly talked for a minute or two, her hand lingering on his one bicep as they spoke. I was sort of in my own little world, too sleepy to function until Marina suddenly looked to me and smiled. "It was nice meeting you!"

I blinked and then she was hugging me. Her floral, feminine scent engulfed my nostrils, stunning me momentarily until she pulled away. "You too," I said with a friendly smile. Brody and I waved to her after she dismissed herself, while Owen passed by her on his way back to us, giving her a quick goodbye and then jerking his head to the doors.

He led the way outside while Brody and I dragged behind him with all the bags. The valet boys took them out of our hands the instant we got to the curb where Owen's van was parked, and they started packing it up for us. In the meantime, I texted my mom to let her know we were leaving soon, then I sent a text to Jodie and Sadie saying I'd be home. They were already more than prepared for my arrival, with a whole plan to hang out tonight.

"I feel like we just got here," I whined when I plopped down in the second row of seats, the familiar smell of the van wafting over me. Salt, sand, sunblock, and a "surf" scented air freshener.

"Me too. I wish we could stay a little longer," Brody agreed with a huff.

Owen chuckled from the front seat, where he started up the van and puttered down the driveway to the street. "It was a great time, guys. I wouldn't want to spend a weekend with any other two teenagers but you," he grinned at us from over his shoulder. "Now I got my honey at home dying to see me, so don't mind if I go a bit over the speed limit. She really misses me."


With Owen going more than "a bit" over the speed limit, we were back in Shellmark by 10:26. He dropped us off at my house and since my parents were at work, he didn't have any reason to stay. I thanked him for everything he did over the weekend, gave him a generous hug, and then he was on his way.

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