So, I found this chicks blog, and it is horrible!
ok, well mabey he's not a facist....I'm not exactly sure waht a facist is, I just know they're bad and dictator-y.
(OMG her spelling! If she doesn't know what a fascist is, she shouldn't write about it!)
I tried looking up facist on line but I still didnt understand since the definition was super confusing but I think hitler was one.... And they're bad people. And there was some guy names Muscles-ini or something who was also a facist and he had some empire.....whatever an empire is.....I wonder if that's mabey like umpire in baseball? So mabey a facist is like an umpire? A bad umpire dictator???
( Guys, help me! She is killing off my brain cells!)
Anyways Harry potter is a dictator kind of!!!
( Since when? What Harry have you met?)
Like he bosses people around and yells att them. Like he yells at Ron and hermione when theyre just tryin to help him! and he doesnt lissen to them either he always thinks hes right! like in Order of the Phonix Hermione wanted to tell someone that Umbredge (another weird name) was making him cut words into his hand but out of some stupid pride thing harry didnt let her! thats stupid!!! Umbrege couldave been stopped if harry wasnt so selfish and didnt always think he was right!
(He does not boss people around, he just loses his temper. Also, if he told people about Umbridge they would not believe him!)
also in DH, everyone's DIEING FOR HARRY! like theres a whole war over him! HArry should have gone to voldemort a lot sooner! hes so selfish for making everyone fight such a powerfull enemy and die for him!!!!!
(Harry didn't want people to die for him. -_-)
And Harrys always telling people waht to do too like in Order if the Phonix hes bossin around everyone in the Dumbledore Army group. and like hes not even the bestest dark arts fighter or anything. Like Hermione is WAY smarter...not her fault she just hasent been in as many dangerous situations. Like that makes Haryr mroe qualified! I mean, so Harry like killed a basalisk with a SWORD...yah, that really makes him better at defencive magic!
(He bosses people around because he is the TEACHER! Also, Hermione tops him in everything but DADA. He is too good, how else would he have killed Voldemort!?! With his shoe!?!)
And then Dumbledore is an evil bad facist too, since he never told harry nothing important at all! like he kep impeortent info for himself and then if Harry had more info and if Dumbledore hadnt been so damn proud and kept so manny secrets less people wouldave ddied!
(Her stupidity... I can't.)
And hes just sooo full o fhimself too. like hes all, "oh I COULD have been Minaster of Magic but im so cool and im all wise a shit, so i turned it down". Dumbeldore was so selfish to NOT become Minaster of Magic coz he was CLEARLY the best guy for the job and if he'd been Minaster AND been less selfish with his "wisdumb" (wisdom) and information then less people wouldave died and there wouldn't have been the idiot Cornelias Fudge as Minaster and hed have helped the wizerding world!!!
(He didn't because he wasn't good with too much power!)
Hes bad and selfish so hes clearly a facist! and Harrys a facist too!!! and Voldemort!!!!!
(Of course Voldy is a fascist, he is a bad guy!)
(And I admit i do take back waht I said earlyer about Dumbeldore......its ok if hes gay. but he still dresses bad i mean dresses arent cool on guys)
(IT'S A ROBE!!!)
(Nope, potter heads are gonna avada kedavra you.)
(She Who Must Not Be Named NO#2)
Harry Potter Vs Twilight
FanfictionAhh, the age old debate between Potterheads and Twihards. Here, I comment on how one fandom is obviously superior, and one is like a pile of trash. You can tell which one is which, I hope.