Chapter 7 Emma comes back to high school

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It has been over a month since Emma had lied to her best friends of why she was not coming back and then she finds out that they are all power rangers of the brand new team and knew why they didn't tell her the secret of what they are. Emma, Mia, Jayden, Kevin, Lauren, Emily, Mike and Antonio were having a BBQ party since it is their day off from training and doing their chores in the house 

Mentor: Emma, I think that you can go back to school now you have been doing well with your training and I don't think that there is anything that we know that we can teach you. And you will be staying here with us and when the team needs you in the battles we will call you and then you can use the doubles for your classes so no one sees you gone it will make you suspicious.

Emma had a smile on her face and her sister gives her a hug. Emma had been building Jayden's sister Lauren a morpher since she is also a red samurai ranger. Over the last months of being at the house she had gotten close to the people that she was being around. Emma bounded with Mike by using her knowledge when things were confusing when the monsters would give rubbish riddles. Emma bounded with Lauren with fighting skills and new battle moves that they can use for fights. Emma bounded with Kevin with video games in the game room and she would have a laugh. With Mentor Ji Emma would bound with him by showing him some new cooking recipes. Emma would bound Jayden by control her powers. Emma would bound her sister and Emily by shopping for clothes and it made them feel so close to Emma that they feel like she has always been part of their family. Emma went to bed early that night so that she can get up bright and early so that she can get up and do some running and exercise in the training room with the group or mentor.

Next day

Emma woke up at 6.00 in the morning and she went for her run and then she had a showing in the training uniform and then she did 30 minutes of training and then she went back to her bedroom so she can get her clothes that she was planning to wear as her being her first day back to school and seeing her friends day, before she went to have a shower to get rid of the sweat that she was having on her body, Emma wet her hair and she used her brand new shampoo that her sister had bought her which was a strawberry shampoo and coconut conditioner. Once she was out of the shower she got ready in her pink and red dress since it is the summer and the school was only 7 weeks till the summer holidays with red heel shoes and a pink cardigan. Emma used her hair straightener to get her hair straight. Emma made some pancakes and then wrapped them in foil so she can take them with her to school.

Emma: OK i am off to school now how do i look 

Mike: you look amazing i am sure that your friends will be happy to see you back in school 

Emma had a smile on her face when she left the house to get to her car and then she drove to school she saw Miss smith at the desk

Miss: Emma welcome back go right on through and the lessons are the same 

Emma gave her a smile and then once she was at the office of the principal she gave a knock like she did when she left a month ago

principal: come on in

Emma opened the door and closed it after her 

principal: Emma welcome back. You have been missed when you were gone 

Emma: it's good to be back here and does my friends know that I am here

principal: no i thought that you might want to surprise them yourself in the cafeteria

Emma had a smile that she always had when she is planning something in her mind but something evil once she left the office she had a smile and then when she looked through the window of the cafeteria she could see that her friend Gia had her back turned to the door so she took her time to go on in once Troy could see her Emma did a sign telling him to be quiet and pretend that he didn't notice her there. Once Emma was arms length away from Gia she hugs her which had her scream and when she turned around to see Emma she had a smile and tears 

Gia: oh my god Emma you are back. Don't ever do that to me ever again you scared me to death

Emma: i won't. surprise i am back now 

Noah: it is so good to see you here Emma we all missed you so much, but i think that Troy missed you the most.

Troy: hey i wanted to tell her my self Noah but thanks 

Emma: i know the feeling i have missed you all so much and it is good to be back here where my friends are 

Troy gives Emma a hug with a smile on their faces. Everyone on the table took turns to hug Emma and then she sat down next to Troy who had his arm round her back of the chair   

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