Chapter 6

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To say I'm nervous is an understatement. I knew going into this that I would have a bigger audience to fool than ever before, but Louis' proposal was still unexpected and extremely terrifying. He wanted to hire me to go to an actual movie premiere, with the red carpet and everything. Apparently, the media had heard from an 'inside source' that Louis Tomlinson was in a new relationship, and he thought that the best way to nip this in the bud was for us to 'go public'. While I didn't particularly agree that this was the best idea, it wasn't really my place to tell him, so I simply agreed.

The date was in another few days, and that hypothetically gave me some time to study for my final assignments and exams. Once those were finished, we would be preparing for our residencies, given that we passed that is. I started studying, but then I think I must've begun to stress out more about this date with Louis than about my exams, because I spent a lot of my spare time between classes looking at what people wore to red carpet events and freaking out about the fact that my face would most likely be plastered all over the internet, up to and including today. I don't think I've ever been this nervous about a date before.

Why do I keep calling this a date? I mentally chastise myself. For the first time I find myself actually confusing my work with pleasure. I don't know why, it's highly unrealistic that Louis would ever actually feel anything for me, and not to mention it's highly unprofessional on my part. I just can't get past the fact that I enjoy myself when I'm around Louis, even if it is just work. The part of me that's a delusional romantic with an overactive imagination is having its fill with this situation straight from a teenager's fan fiction.

After I practically physically force myself to sit down and study for a few hours in the morning, I close my textbooks and start to get ready, feeling my heart skipping beats from the pure nerves running through me. My phone buzzes and I look down at it to see it's a message from Ange telling me to start getting ready and to make sure that I send her photos throughout the night. I smile slightly at the message, and then sigh at the prospect of having to get ready for this.

I'd given myself a few hours to make sure that I have enough time to shower, prep and then do my hair and makeup. I'm thankful that Ange and I had already gone out to put together an outfit and I didn't have to actually stand in front of my overflowing wardrobe and panic about having nothing to wear. So, when it's almost time for Louis to pick me up, I'm actually ready, standing in front of the mirror, applying the last bit of red lipstick to the look. I study myself in the mirror, striking a few poses because of how happy I am with how it's turned out and sending them all to Ange, who predictably replies in all caps as she endlessly compliments me. For a moment I'm actually distracted from the fact that I'll be attending a movie premiere with actual celebrities and paparazzi. And then the doorbell rings.

I check myself in the mirror one last time, before I open the door. I don't know what I expected to see but it definitely wasn't Louis holding a handful of bright red roses, which is what I got. I'm aware of the car behind him, and I'm not sure if the passengers can see us or not, and if they can, if they're even interested, but I know I have to continue on with my job anyway. So, I take the roses from him and give him a kiss on the cheek while doing so. Although I don't know if it was just for them.

"Come in for a bit while I find a place to put these." I say, sweetly.

He walks in after me, leaving the door open, and just follows me blindly as I walk into the dorm in search of a bottle or something to put these in.

"You umm... You look very nice." He says, as I quickly fill up a used plastic bottle with water. I'm a struggling medical school student, and it's all I have on hand so sue me.

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