Part 1

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"Zayn you are so fucking dumb, you know that right?" Perrie slaps down a magazine, that is open to the article about their engagement.

"What are your talking about this time Pez?" Zayn asks lazily, he's moping on the hotel bed.

"If you would have just told Liam, it wouldn't have come to this." She picks the magazine and rolls it up. She walks over to him and hits him on the head with it.

"Ouch! What was that for?" He sits up quickly.

"Zayn we are engaged."

"I know Perrie, I'm the one who suggested it."

"We are engaged; fact. You are in love with Liam; fact. We are both gay; fact. Liam is in love with you; fact. We are getting married, supposedly; sort of fact." She ticks each off on one of her fingers.

"I know all of these things, except for the Liam one. That's wrong."

"No! No Zayn! It's not fucking wrong!" Perrie yells.

"Please calm down." Perrie starts pacing after Liam replies.

"No! I will not calm down, because you and Liam are too dumb to see that you are both in love with each other. We are getting married, the whole world thinks we are getting married, Zayn, MARRIED!"

"He doesn't love me Perrie! He never has, he never will!" Zayn shouts, then he climbs off the bed and steps towards Perrie, still angry, "I am just a dumbass who has a lesbian for a fiancé and is in love with his best friend and bandmate. And that's all we'll ever be." His voice cracks on ever. Tears have come to his eyes but he continues, his voice is lowered and his voice is teary, "He loves me, yea, but as a brother, as a best friend. He will never ever see me as a potential partner, I will always be just another one of his brothers." Tears start to stream down Zayn's face. He puts one hand on the wall to support himself and the other on his face. He starts to sob. He drops to his knees, his hand sliding down the wall. He continues to sob.

Perrie sinks down to her knees and wraps her arms around Zayn.


When Zayn wakes Perrie is gone and his eyes ache like they when he cries all night. He sighs heavily, then pulls the blanket up to his chin.

Zayn doesn't understand how a one or two fake dates with Perrie turned into an engagement. He was just supposed to go on one or two dates with Perrie to stomp out the rumors of his "one night stands". They kept it going because of the accusations on Perrie. Now the entire world thinks they are getting married. He will admit that Perrie does a really good job at pretending that they are actually getting married. They have Liam and Leigh-Anne fooled and that's what they needed. Well Leigh-Anne only needed to be fooled for a little while and then her and Perrie got together.

Liam is the only one in both bands who doesn't know that Zerrie is fake. Everyone does a really good job at fooling him. Everyone in both bands opposed the idea, but Zayn begged. He begged and begged. They finally gave in and now Zayn's at this point.

Laying alone, in a hotel bed, in America.

He just wants Liam to be here with him.


This is just a little something I am working on I'm between Hells Angel and Earths Nightmare

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