Part 4

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Perrie, Leigh-Anne, Jesy, Jade, Niall, Louis, and Harry are sitting at the table in Louis and Harry's apartment, in that order.

"You four should be ashamed of yourselves!" Louis says angrily.

"Sorry." Perrie says dejectedly.

"You should be ashamed becuase you didn't ask for our help!" Louis chirps.

"God, you scared me!" Perrie.

"We need to reformulate your plan, it was a good plan, just not very well excuted." Harry nods at Louis.

"Yea, we definetly need your help." Jesy looks at Harry and Louis. Niall and Jade continually send each other flirty glances.

"You saw what we did. We just made it worse.." Perrie sighs.


"Hey, Niall, stop flirting with Jade and get us some snacks, please." Louis says easily.

"I'm not..." Niall looks in between Louis and Jade. He smiles shyly at Jade and walks towards the kitchen.

"Was that on purpose?" Harry asks once Jade has follwed Niall into the kitchen.

"What?" Perrie scrunches her eyebrows together. Harry nods towards the kitchen, "Oh, yea." Perrie smiles.

"Nice." Louis chuckles.

"They also need to realize that they like each other." Perrie says, looking toward the kitchen. They can hear faint conversation and laughing.

"Yup." Harry chuckles.

"Alright, let's continue planning." Louis nudges Harry.


"I don't think he will want to talk to me." Perrie says nervously. She and Louis are standing outside Zayn's door. Louis shakes his head.

"He is angry at Liam because he lied to him. He may be slightly upset, but you know Liam. He will be polite about it. Plus you brought food." Louis gestures the bag of food in Perrie's hands. Perrie sighs shakily, then nods her head.

"Okay, let me in." She faces the door. Louis unlocks it, whispers 'Good luck', and reaches up and squeezes her shoulder. She nods then walks into the flat.

"Zayn?" She calls out. Hearing no response she walk further in. She walks into the kitchen and sees a crumpled blanket half hanging off the chair and half on the floor. "Hmm." She muses. She walks toward Liam's bedroom. "Zayn?"

"What?" The muffled reply comes from the closed door that leads to his bedroom. She doesn't really want to go in without his permission, but she will if she has to.

"Please let me in." She says softly. He sniffles.

"No, please go away."

"I'm coming in," she then mutters, "please be decent." She pushes open the door slowly. Liam is laying on his bed, his back to her, and he sniffles.

"Seriously, go away."

"I brought food." She waves the bag around even though he can't see. He turns to look and half shrugs.


"Please Liam, just let me talk to you." Perrie begs. She walks over and sits on his bed. He sits up slowly, giving up.

"Food." He reaches out a hand and grabs the bag from her, "Thanks." he says as he opens the bag and looks in side.

"Zayn had good reason's not to tell you. I promise." Liam snorts at Perrie.


"I swear it. I swear it on my life. Liam, Zayn trusts you with his life, and he kept one, just one, secret from you. Is it really that hard to forgive him?"

"It was a really big secret. Really big."

"I know. I know. He's sorry. I'm sorry. Everyone is sorry."

"Is he really gay?" Liam asks quietly, looking down at his hands.

"Yup. So am I. I have never even as much as seen him without trousers on. Unless you count swim trunks as-never mind, getting off topic. Zayn didn't want to tell you because he was scared."

"Of what?" Liam scoffs.

"Of what you would think. He was terrified that you would think of him differently. He was petrified that you would treat him differently, or even shun him."

"Why?! He is my best friend! For fuck's sake! I'm gay!"

"Sorry, what?"

"I, uh, well, I mean, yea. Hmm."

"You're gay?" Perrie asks softly. She moves closer to him and grabs his hand. He nods his head and tears come to his eyes.

"I've never told anyone that except for my mum." His voice is shaky and his bottom lip is quivery.

"It's okay, Li. You will be fine." Perrie brings Liam in for a hug.


"Fucking yes!" Perrie cheers as she enters Larry's flat.

"What?" Harry asks.

"Liam is a backdoor delivery kinda guy. He likes sausage links. He is a male Louis Tomlinson. Oh wait." Perrie laughs at her own joke and Louis glares at her.

"What happened, blondie.

"Liam told me he's gay!"

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