Chapter 5: Smooth Abe

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Practice was going quite gracefully, which was a surprise considering Mihashi had been an annoying whimpering mess before and my mind was full of him.

Boyfriends. It was official now. However I wasn't much of a love expert and I knew for certain Mihashi definitely wasn't either. I'd have to take the reins of this relationship.

"First dates..." I muttered to myself as I caught the ball Mihashi had thrown, getting a bit dazed off myself. Everyone goes on a first date. But....where the hell did Mihashi spend his free time?

At the mall? No. Movies? Probably not. Restaurants? Haha no. Not a single place came to my mind. Mihashi was a more stay at home kind of guy. "Maybe a baseball game." I realized, actually smiling a little, which the others of the team gave me a few weird looks. Probably wondering what I was talking to myself about.

But one member gave me a.....really weird look. And that member was none other than Tajima. The look was more like a smirk, as though he knew something everyone else didn't. It annoyed me and I wanted to smack that smirk off his face and all the way to America or somewhere far away.

But no, he kept that smirk going on throughout the whole practice. By the end of practice I was really pissed, throwing off my gear as we entered the locker room. What was his problem? Right after I thought that I was answered shortly after.

"Hey Abe." Tajima spoke up as I was changing, giggling a little evilly. I returned his greeting with a slight glare, pulling on my shirt. "What do you want?" Was my brisk response.

I was taken aback as Tajima leaned up to whisper in my ear, "You and Mihashi got it goin on eh?" He pulled away, giggling even more.

My face suddenly paled. That stupid annoying freckled clean up hitter. "Tajima, you better not say a word or I'll-" I was cut off as he said quickly, "Don't worry! I won't long as you listen to me." He nodded. Luckily the others were spread around the locker room talking loudly, so no one took notice of our conversation.

"Listen to you...? Blackmail?" I frowned. Who knew Tajima would sink so low.

"No!....well I guess you'd say that." Tajima shrugged, "anyways, I have some rules to set." He cleared his throat. "First, I want you to protect Mihashi cuz he's my best friend and if you do anything to him I'll be really mad."

I rolled my eyes a bit. Tajima just sounded like a little child. Like I'd abuse Mihashi, did he think I was some grumpy abusive guy? Ok maybe I did come off that way a little bit.

"And uh.......something else..." Tajima suddenly looked down, fiddling with the buttons on his jersey a little bit, appearing to be a bit sheepish.

"Spit it out." I commanded, however I suppose since Tajima was blackmailing me I shouldn't have such a tone against him. I couldn't help but be angry though.

" see....I think I may kinda like-like someone too. But, I don't exactly know...." He responded, and before I could ask who I felt a little pull on my sleeve. "What is it?" The hefty growl left my lips as I turned to see who it was. Oh wait.

Mihashi stood before me, looking a little scared by the tone I'd used. I instantly regretted sounding like such a dick, and coughed, "Oh hey Mihashi, what is it that you want?" I asked in a softer tone. More like a normal tone but it was soft to me.

" with....with me!" He seemed to struggle out the words, the usual whimper of course. However, I felt kinda touched by what he said. He wanted me to walk him home. How sweet.

"I gotta go Tajima. Just....text me." I reluctantly said, causing the clean-up hitter to light up like a light bulb. "Alright!" He grinned, "Bye Mihashi!" Tajima gave Mihashi a hug, much to my dismay. I watched the two before finishing up getting dressed. Mihashi and I then walked out, starting down the dimly lit street together in silence.

I obviously wasn't a talker, neither was Mihashi. But, we were both fine with that. For now I had too many thoughts. Tajima? A crush? Who in the world could he .like? Probably some girl. However, it suddenly dawned on me.

I glanced over at Mihashi, who was currently fiddling with his glove he carried and muttering incoherent things to himself. Oh geez. "Mihashi." I said to grab his attention. Which it did. The pitcher jumped, looking like a deer in headlights as he looked over at me. "Y-Yes Abe-Kun?"

"If Tajima tries anything with you tell me right away." I was serious about this. I would kill Tajima if he grabbed my pitcher right from me. Mihashi had to be his crush right? It was a good theory, they hung out all the time. But, he also didn't seem to care Mihashi was with me...or did he? This was much too confusing. Either way, better be safe than sorry.

"Try anything? Wh-What do you mean?" Mihashi asked cluelessly. I let out a groan. "You you or anything you don't like......" I tried to hint at.

"O-Oh!" The strawberry blonde realized, however he frowned. "Abe-Kun, he wouldn't ever do that to me." He said, shaking his head like I was some sort of idiot. Maybe I was acting like an idiot but he still shouldn't do that!

"I just wanna make sure Mihashi." I gritted my teeth in annoyance. "He could easily trick you, he's a trickster. He hugs you and hangs out with you a lot too." I pointed out.

"That's cuz Tajima-Kun is my fr-friend." I could tell Mihashi was getting annoyed himself by the tone in his voice. Mihashi was a guy that kinda ended up crying or getting whiny when he got angry. Right now his whiny level was off the charts.

"Yeah so? I don't hug my friends." I responded. However a little voice pointed out in my head 'that's cuz you don't have friends.' Oh shut up inner conscious. "Anyways just don't do that stuff with him it really bothers me. You're /mine/." The words slid out without meaning too, and I immediately regretted saying them.

I sounded so damn girly.

I went silent, stopping in front of Mihashis house. I guess talking made the time go by. I could feel Mihashis eyes on me but I hastily looked away. Unfortunately I felt that sickening feeling of embarrassment in my stomach. I absolutely hate that feeling.

" Abe-Kun." I felt thankful Mihashi changed the subject but....he stood there a few minutes longer. What did he want? Oh.......

I took a deep breath and turned towards him, leaning down to peck Mihashis soft silky cheek. "Goodnight Mihashi." I murmured quietly before turning and walking down the street, leaving the strawberry blonde standing and staring as I left. I felt those honey eyes watch me with each heavy step I took, until I turned the corner.

Thank God it's Friday. Or as everyone else would say TGIF. I wouldn't have to see everyone tomorrow. But, I really should plan my first date with Mihashi. Hopefully everything would go smoothly.

However knowing my life, I knew smooth was the last thing in my vocabulary.

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