Chapter 29

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Your POV

You made it into the locker room, waiting for Tayona's bitch ass to come through the door. Soon, you saw her walk in, your eyes landing on each other at the same time.

"Look at who finally decided to show up." You said, sarcastically clapping for her. "Now, let's do this shit."

"I just got my nails done... Oh well, it's worth it if I get to beat you to a pulp." She looked at her nails, then to you, a devious smirk on her lips.

"Bitch please." You rolled your eyes, your anger sparking. "Bite me, whore."

You didn't care what you said from this point, just wanting her to throw the first punch so all of yours could be considered self defense.

She chuckled, "Oh, this is going to feel great." She cracked her knuckles, you doing the same as she walked over to you, her hands balled into fists. "Pray to god that you're strong, little girl." She growled, her hand making contact with your jaw.

Your eyes closed and your head went to the side with the impact, your eyes opening, the feeling of the flames from anger burn your soul up. Tayona looked slightly startled at the maniac-ish look you gave her, walking up close to her.

You started throwing punches with both hands, your focus only on her, everything else black and gone from existence. You went straight for her face, trying your best to fuck it up.

You pushed her down, your anger taking full control of your body. Everything felt numb, no pain in your body, just anger. You climbed onto her, your fist pulled back, ready to strike.

Your anger had taken over your mind, making you unable to remember what had happened from that point on. When you came back to reality, you were standing, looking down at Tayona, who was laying on the ground, her nose busted and bruises on her face. There were wads of her hair on the floor, along with splotches of her blood.

'What are people going to think now? She's beaten up pretty badly and I'm walking away with one bruise. People are going to think I went totally crazy on her without giving her a chance to do anything, which isn't exactly what happened.'

You honestly couldn't remember what had happened after you jumped on her. You were trying your hardest to remember, but you just couldn't.

You heard her groan, making your eyes flash to her. She sat up and touched her most likely broken nose, then felt below it, where all the blood was. She pulled her fingers away from her face and looked at her hand, a horrified look showing up on her face.

"You're a fucking maniac bitch! Stay away from me!" She yelled, scooting away from you.

Her eyes were starting to swell, changing to a bruised color.

"You're the one who started this, Tayona. You offered the fight, I accepted. You got yourself into this. Don't blame me for your wrongs." You said as you walked away, going out of the door, feeling pain shooting from your hand when you moved it.

You went to the girls bathroom, washing your hands to get Tayona's blood off your hands.

'If she goes to the office, she'll probably tell them that I just started punching her. That'll be some shit.' You chuckled, trying to not get worried.

"What's the worse that could happen?"

You walked out of the bathroom and headed to your next class, finding your seat next to Mark.

"H-How'd it g-go?" Mark asked, sounding worried.

"I, uh, I think I broke her nose. And gave her two black eyes. Her nose was bleeding." You mumbled, twiddling your thumbs.

Mark grabbed her hands, examining your bruising knuckles closer, "You must've hit her pretty hard."

"Yeah... I got so angry I blacked out. All I remember was she punched me, I started punching her, I pushed her down, then I jumped onto her, the rest of it is wiped from my memory."

"Damn." He slowly put your hand down. "You must have one hell of a temper, then."

You chuckled, scratching the back of your neck, "I guess so."

"Ms. (L/n)! Mr. Fischbach! Please, pay attention to the lesson!" Your teacher yelled, making you apologize.

"We'll talk more at lunch." You whispered to Mark, blowing a kiss to him.

For some reason, Mark looked slightly tense. You shrugged it off and started writing notes, ending up mindlessly doodling.

'What if Mark is going to be afraid of me now? I'd never want that.'

You shook your thoughts off, paying no mind to them. You hoped they were wrong, but you had a feeling that they would come true if you kept up with this angry type of attitude.

Your teacher assigned a group worksheet for the day, Mark immediately scooting over to you.

"Hey, long time, no see." He chuckled, making you smile.

Your teacher handed the paper out, you and Mark getting to work on it. For some reason, your thoughts wanted you to make Mark promise he wouldn't leave you because of your anger, but you pushed them away.

"What're you thinking about, Buttercup?"

'Tell him.'

"Nothing much, just lost in no thoughts." You said, shaking your head.

"Okay, okay..." Mark leaned over to your and kissed your temple quickly. "You know I can tell when you're lying, right?"

'Make him promise.'

You giggled and rolled your eyes, "Fine, what I'm thinking about isn't important. How's that?"

He smiled and shook his head, "Not any better than the last, but I'll take it."

You chuckled and held his hand under the table, writing on the paper you were supposed to be working on. (Which ever hand is your dominant one, Mark is on the other side.)

The bell rang, signaling time for lunch. You and Mark started walking down the hall, until something being called over the intercom stopped you both.

"(Y/n) (L/n), please come to the office."

Alright! That's chapter 29 heading your way with 1000+ words!

Oooooo, you're getting called to the office. You're in big trouble now.

But anyway, thank you everybody so much for reading, and as always, I will see you in the next chapter. Buh-Byyye!

• High School With My Crush • (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now