Chapter One

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There is a certain moment in life that seems so incredibly dull and repetitive. Each and every single one of us, as a regular human, ends up stuck in a place, where they do not find any motivation or are just disappointed. Katerina was feeling exactly like that. She kept a lot of things to herself and bared them somewhere deep into her thoughts. She was a simple, yet a completely complicated girl. A teenager whose depth of emotions could lead to an unbearable mental state.  


Here she was, Katerina, pacing down the road to the shop located close to her school. She had run out of cigarettes and had an overwhelming urge to take a drag from one. Given she didn't have a lot of time on her hands, she was rushing to buy a pack or two. Once she crossed the threshold of the shop, she was greeted by the warm temperature in the premise. 

"Good morning, Kat!" 

"Hey, Sav...please, make me some of your irresistible coffee and pass me a pack! I'm dying!" Katerina had a conversation with the women working in the shop every single day in the duration of four years. She had grown attached to them because they were very welcoming and respectful of the students from the school.

Katerina was a communicative person and never had problems with talking to anybody. She had always believed that she has the ability to overcome any kind of awkwardness in a conversation. Her family and friends always admired that- she had the capability to establish contact with anybody.  

Sava, the cashier passed a cup of coffee prepared to-go and had two packs of cigarettes placed on the counter. Katerina pulled out of her pocket the exact amount of money and left some extra change.

"Thank you! Have a great day, dear!" Sava chirped.

Katerina blew her a kiss and exited the shop quickly. 

Once she was outside again, she walked to a tall table in front of the shop. She laid her coffee and cigarettes on the cold metal surface of the table and rushed to light her awful habit. She somehow felt fulfilled once she did it. She took a long drag and closed her eyes, just for a second. Once she exhaled, she opened her eyes again and wrapped her hands around her body.

If you took a look at her from a different perspective, you would see a beautiful girl, who is simply just smoking and having a cup of coffee. Katerina was a small girl, physically, and enjoyed observing the world with her brown eyes. Standing tall, she would always dress up to look presentable and fashionable. Her hair was always adoring her posture and face- the kind of brown that you would get lost in, the kind of color you would love dearly.  

From the side, nobody could ever tell that she is being troubled by her own self. She came off as confident and put-together. She was aware of how she was visually appealing but was convinced it was just a cover-up for a messed up mortal.

Katerina kept smoking and took her time to explore with her eyes. The weather was so grey and monotoned, which made her furious. She hated it and always wanted a little bit of sunshine. People were passing by her with their heads and stares hanging to the floor. 

In moments like these, Katerina felt an emptiness. She did her absolute best to look fine and okay, but whenever she was left alone, she would allow herself to sink into her own pangs and thoughts. She had a really different way of viewing things that are normal. Sometimes Katerina felt like she was the only one that hasn't felt what it is to be loved, but then she would always try to stop these feeling. She would try to prevent them from crashing her mindset because they would make her feel selfish and egoistic. Katerina believed that what she is going through is far not so tragic, bearing in mind that every second someone somewhere around this world is struggling and cannot be helped. The young girl forbid herself from crying over things that can potentially become easily solved problems.

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