The meeting of voldemort

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Voldemort was a powerful business man who loves money and power more then anything in the world. Everyone adored him cause he had the looks,the money,the power,the fam,etc and he was only 15 (Idk work with me here) .
He refused not to go to school even tho how famous he was,when he walked down the halls all the girls and boys fell to they're knees to kiss his toes and praise him. Adam likes to stay in background of things and not in the spotlight so Adam hid in the bathroom till classes started so he wouldn't be the only one standing as they all bowed to Voldemort. "Why did everyone like him anyways" Adam thought "I bet he's a man whore". Voldemort sat in front of Adam in all his classes and Adam didn't notice how he zoned out while looking at Voldemort's beautiful noseless face "how majestic" Adam thought. Whenever class was over and everyone got they're things to go to another class without thinking Adam reached up in awe and touched the place where Voldemort's nose would be, everyone turned to look at Adam and gasped in disgust (la gasp) and Adam began to do the gay panic and ran as fast as he could to the door...and slammed into it and blacked out

Wait for the next chapter to find out what happens to sadam,I mean dadam wait no ADAM there

Adam x Voldemort x dick boyWhere stories live. Discover now