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'Finding your voice' is oft-repeated, but few struggling writers develop any discipline, and cannot relax enough to 'speak' in a casual way, to their chosen 'audience.' If your narration is to be authentic, it must sound like you sound. If your reader is disciplined, he/she will be reading aloud, and will hear your voice. In the tenth century, the only men taught to read, were monastics, used by the clergy, to produce the only new books appearing. These were 'illuminated' manuscripts, dominated by BIBLE-transcriptions. If the prior observed his monk reading 'silently,' it was a sure sign of demon-possession. Such departures from the discipline taught as 'reading,' were not tolerated, and the offender severely punished for his transgression.

You should always read aloud; 1)this is a powerful mnemonic technique[ever try to recall something you just read?] and 2)now you can hear the author's voice

Relaxing is like knowing not to take yourself too seriously; communication is a two-way exchange; masturbatory is the adjective to describe 'literature' that is not designed to be heard by that all-important second party[like participate]. Getting over yourself is the first step towards improving your story-telling. It implies that the writer needs more discipline. More about step two, at another time[publishing].

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