Chapter 5

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Only one week for the fight. I've been on a little tour the last five days to promote the event. I went to Mexico, London, Paris and then back to New York, where I had my last press conference before the fight. It was really exhausting. Taylor came with me and even though I appreciate her support It's a little bit annoying that whenever we are together the only thing she does is taking pictures of both of us and post them on Snapchat or Instagram. It's not that I want to keep our relationship secret but I would like some privacy on my life.

Since she confirmed that we are dating the paparazzi started following me everywhere.

I asked Cara her thoughts about this and she answered me that some people love showing their boyfriends and how happy they were together.

Since that Puma photo shoot, Cara and I have developed a very good relationship and now I tell her everything about my life. I suppose she is my best friend.

Right now I was driving to Cara's house, were everyone was. Apparently Kendall needed us for something. I wanted to ask what for but Cara called me and told me to stop making questions and to be there in 10 minutes.

Taylor was in the car next to me, but she was with her phone, as always these last days. Maybe I did something to piss her off. The first weeks she was very lovely and always smiling, but now when we are alone she is always in silence. Am I that boring?

We arrived to Cara's and Bella opened the door.

"Hey guys" she said giving a quick hug to both of us "Come in. Things are not very nice inside."

"What happened?" I asked.

"It's Ben, Kendall's boyfriend. Some candids have been published that showed him kissing a random girl at a party."

"Oh shit" I muttered. I knew that their relationship wasn't in the best moment but I didn't think something like that could happen.


We entered Cara's living room and I instantly could see a crying Kendall hugged to Gigi.

Gigi saw us and told Kendall about us to distract her a little.

"Hey K" I said and I gave her a strong hug. Kendall was a very good person. Of course she has her flaws but unlike her other family members, she never looked for the drama. It's a pity something like this would happen to her.

We sat on the couch and now Kendall was between Gigi and me.

"Did you talk to him?" I asked her. She faced me now and I could see how red her eyes were from crying.

"No. He texted me a few hours back but I haven't answer yet. Don't think I will." Started crying again.

"Hey, it's ok Ken, he's just a douche bag. You will find someone that's better for you." I said patting her in the back.

"Why did he do something like that to me?" she cried, hugging me strongly.

I was startled at that and I looked over to Gigi for some help. She just gave me a pity smile, she didn't know what to do either. So I hugged Kendall back. We stayed there for like a minute, she was crying and I was looking awkwardly to everyone in this room. Finally she broke the hug.

I've never been good at comforting people so I just sat there in silence. If I talked I'd probably screw it a lot. I would say something like 'ok, he cheated on you. Now get over that asshole and keep going with your life. The world won't stop because of this. You have more things in your life'. Yeah, not the best motivation for someone in her situation.

I know that I might be cruel but see it from my perspective. In exactly one week I will be facing one of the most dangerous fighters of the last decade and here I am, comforting a friend because her boyfriend just cheated on her while I could be training or at least getting some sleep, after that exhausting tour I'd like to rest a little.

Basically Kendall whined there for like an hour. When she stopped crying I decided that it was my moment so I said my goodbyes to everyone and headed to the gym.


Today is the day. The day in which everything will change for me. Right now Don is wrapping my hands with the bandages and some tape. A few minutes back Cara, Zayn, Gigi, Bella, Kendall and Taylor came to my dressing room, they told me Hailey couldn't come because she had work but I didn't really care about that right now honestly. I could see Kendall was sad but she put a fake smile for me and wished me luck.

After my bandages were finished and the gloves were tied I started to warm up.

Someone entered the dressing room and said that I have to get going.

"Ok. This is the moment kid." Said Don. "Look at me, concentrate on the fight. Don't let him scare you, he's a man. Every man can fall." I nodded started walking.

I climbed up to the ring and waited 'till Canelo arrives.

There he is. He's smiling. He doesn't look nervous though, I just keep my emotionless face, not even his appearance will disturb my concentration.

"This is the main event of the evening! Are you all ready to rumble?!" shouted the presenter shouted to the mic. "On the blue corner, with a weight of 159'5 pounds and a record of 30 victories and no losses, the contender Josh Tyler!" Everyone screamed when he shouted my name.

"And on the red corner, with a weight of 160 pounds and a record of 51 victories, 1 draw and 2 losses, the champion Saul "Canelo" Alvarez" even more people screamed at his name.


Finally, the fight starts. Ok, I have to be calm, do not anticipate, wait for the perfect timing.

Half of the first round already. I've been keeping a good distance. Throwing fast jabs, I don't want to risk too much in the first round.

I heard the ell. Went to my corner. And stood up again.

The fight wasn't going as I imagined. I felt my feet heavier than in my previous fights. I couldn't dodge as always.

Time passed and I couldn't land good punches. I landed some, yes, but when they hit his head or body they're too weak.

"You have to dodge those jabs, kid. They are killing you" Don said applying some vaseline to my face.

"He's too fast. I can't see his hands" I said gasping.

"We haven't come this far for you to give up now. You listening to me kid? If you feel like you can't do this tell me and I will stop this fight. But if you want that belt you will have to go there and keep fighting."

"I can continue" I said standing up to fight another more round.

As the seventh round started I knew that he was beating me. I'm not at his level, not even close. But I won't give up. I have given too much, I can't give up now.

I threw several jabs, then a right hook and then a left uppercut. It landed. No, not only it landed, it hurt him. I have to press now.

He's going backwards, it's the moment. I move forward but he keeps dodging my punches. Now he is pressing back. We move to the center of the ring. He's gonna throw a right hand, I could see it but suddenly... I couldn't see anything.

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